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Yanhuang "wind" To The World Of "music"

Posted on:2011-06-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y G DingFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Mr. BaoYuanKai wrote two Symphony suites "Chinese sights and sound" and "Musical sketches of Taiwan" both with Chinese folk material. This artical trys to analyse and research technically through the angle of Orchestration on these two works by its overall and detail layout, timbre complexity, acoustics blance, volume control and apearence of orchestra's national characteristics in order to prove Mr Bao's point " create with westen element " ,"combine those two cultures","creation with commen sense" and to fullfill Mr Bao's good wishes "make the Chinese folk music referencable" I sincerely hope this research will provide some positive and effective ideas for the development of our country's large-scale musical works' creation ,communication between Chinese and west musical culture and the symphony progress of our folk music.
Keywords/Search Tags:Bao Yankai, 《Chinese sights and sound》, 《Musical sketches of Taiwan》, Orchestration
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