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Study Of Manipulation Of The Tang Dynasty

Posted on:2011-04-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F TangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360305488112Subject:History of Ancient China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Tang dynasty is an important period of the transformation in Chinese medieval history, since early period of KaiYuan when dominated by XuanZong in Tang dynasty, its official system changed profoundly. The phenomenon as "Dispatching Commission " turned up, and then, it evolved into a political system after "An Shi Zhi Luan". To adapting to the situation, the Eunuchs was dispatched on a wide range dubbed "Zhongshi" to intervene into politics and military affairs."Zhongshi" was not only an important way that Eunuchs intervene into government affairs, but also a apparent manifestation of "Dispatching Commission System" in Tang dynasty, which undergo the process temporarily to Immobilized and institutionalized. This article writes from the origin of "Zhongshi", and focus on its characteristics as well as the relationship with politics and military in Tang dynasty.The first part of the chapter traces the phenomenon on history of the "Zhongshi" then come to the definition of the "Zhongshi", and summarizes the characteristics of the "Zhongshi" that before the Tang dynasty briefly. The second part focus on describing the classification and characteristics of "Zhongshi" in the Tang dynasty. The third part discuss the way that"Zhongshi" how to be dispatched and make use of power.The second chapter discusses mainly on the political function of the "Zhongshi" in the Tang dynasty, which from the way that how to made central decision-making, how to administrative as well as how to supervise.The third chapter focus on the relationship between "Zhongshi" and military in of the Tang dynasty, which from the way that "Zhongshi" in charge of Imperial guards, monitoring military governorship and controlling arms. Then come to the conclusion that the reason why "Zhongshi" complete control central government of the Tang dynasty even disusing the emperor is because of"Zhongshi" have been completely control the military in the Tang dynasty.Although the Tang dynasty's imperial power and the Lee Dynasty's rule have been threated by the "Zhongshi"controlling politics and military, but they could not get rid of the autocratic monarchy. Ultimately, they are the tools to maintain and consolidate the interests of despots. The "Zhongshi" and the Tang dynasty overwhelmed together on the pressure of the big military governorship when the military governorship out of the Tang dynasty's control finally.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tang dynasty, Zhongshi, Politics, Military
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