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"poetry" Literary

Posted on:2010-03-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Q LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360278479223Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Chinese literature entered into the conscious time in the Six Dynasties period, large number of literary works and literary criticism books came out .The Poetics of China's first monograph-"Shi pin" also was born in this time, it has made remarkable achievements in the theory of poetry writing and its value of literary theory has also become a focus for ancient researchers. The good works will have a variety of interpretations, "Shi pin" of course, is no exception. Now I will interpret "Shi pin"as a literary work, and study its literary value. the method of study literary are one of the oldest research methods, it is the most basic and commonly used method in the field of study literature works. but if we study a theory work sfrom this point of view, it may well be a move to open a new path. Studying the literary of "Shi pin" and discussing the literary value of the text itself has, not only can show Zhong Rong as a writer (not as a poetics expert) having a literary quality, but also can help us better reading of "Shi pin".In this paper, The literary value of "Shi pin" is the study content and objective, it focused on the literary achievements of "Shi pin" in the regard of genre, language, structure, and its widespread impact on the future generations. This article is divided into four chapters:The first chapter is the genre meaning of "Shi pin", it focuses on "Shi pin" as the "ancestor of Poetry" having a creating meaning for the subsequent "poetry talks" , "Shi pin" provids a basic paradigm through its own creativity for subsequent "poetry talks", and it has become the origin of the subsequent "poetry talks". This chapter is divided into three parts, respectively describing from Putting Sentences,Recording poetry background things, and Imagerying criticism - three aspects to explore how "Shipin" provide a paradigm. for the subsequent "poetry talks".The Chapter II focused on the "Shi pin" in the language arts, its language both have rusticity and literary grace, vivid, picturesque and simple but rich in meaning.,having a high artistic value. it also is the focus of this paper. This chapter divided into 3 parts, Section I are about the language of "Shi pin"where comes from and what draw on, including the language of theory works about calligraphy and painting, the language of used review figures in the Wei and Jin dynasty as well as the language from the works writing by commented poet, it showing Zhong Rong has extensive knowledge; section II discussed rhetorical art of "Shi pin'"s language,mainly from the duality, very successful particularly, it showing Zhong Rong has superb ability to master the language; Section III are explore about "Shi pin" language in richness and variability, there is very little "collision term" situation while "Shi pin" using word, a lot of vocabulary are resemble but also have some different, and rich in change.The Chapter III are discussed the structure art of "Shi pin", it's structure has high value for it is systematic and integrity. This chapter mainly from two-tier structure, coreference , Criticizing language's inherent balance, the poet's number of "Shi pin" criticizing-four aspects to explore.First of all, "Shi pin" has a two-tier structure both inside and outside, with coreference to construct the entire chapter, it achieves a right balance on the specific comments, all this ensured it's structural integrity and balance. Also Zhong Rong have a purpose while he arrange the number of poet in each it set up a group of symbolic, sequence and mysterious figure, which is another feature of "Shi pin'"s structure.The chapter IV is discussed the future influence of "Shi pin", mainly study it's influence to the "ZhongXing JianQi Ji","HeYue YingLing Ji" and "Shu pin", It verify that "Shi pin" has a literary value through studying the Impact on future generations .
Keywords/Search Tags:shi pin, language arts, structure art, literary
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