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Shen Congwen Prose Comparative Study

Posted on:2010-02-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Q PanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360275462609Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Shen Cong-wen Jingpai 30s are the mainstay of literature, Wang Zengqi Jingpai literature is called the last-to-human transmission, both attributed to the same genre, not only because of the reality of the relationship between master and apprentice, but mainly because of two creative stance, style aspects of similarity. However, Shen Cong-wen and Wang Zengqi time, after all, are different in the context of the lives of two individuals, to read both prose works, but also is not difficult to find the same among the two obvious differences. In this paper, the reason to select Shen Cong-wen, Wang Zengqi Writer two comparative studies, the main two are intended to refer to each other, identifying their similarities and differences, and the prose as an "original ecology" of the stylistic characteristics can be more real to show the mentality of a writer. Shen Cong-wen and Wang Zengqi Pursue independent literaryaesthetic character, to avoid the main stream of the time, but whether in the comparison reveals the pain, or in the moisture in the purification of the people, Shen Cong-wen and Wang Zengqi writers are out of duty and conscience, to use their own hands and pens, time at different background, there is beneficial to construct their own social life literary world.My thesis is divided into three partsChapter I: different time homogeneity in the context of the pursuit. Spacing of half a century as a whole both writers, Shen Cong-wen and Wang Zengqi similarity is obvious: consciously alienated from the mainstream of the relationship with the center, take a position on the edge of the narrative, the pursuit of an independent literary character; drawn randomly scattered, emotional indifferent long At the flow-to-earth narrative prose in the pursuit of a unique water-based flavor, and build the world from a unique prose. I mainly from the "description of the position of the edges" and " 'water' of the characteristics of prose" to explore these two areas separated by almost half a century of similarities between both writers Chapter II: the United States has nurtured love heterogeneous world. Shen Cong-wen and Wang Zengqi insist on the pursuit of love and beauty and construction, but because of history, time, personal and other reasons, but had to suffer a different fate. I read through the text, found that: Shen Cong-wen prose world is full of contradiction and confrontation, tension-filled with painful, Wang Zengqi prose readers prefer to create a warm and harmonious pure heaven; Shen Cong-wen prose always has a wave of not the beauty of the sad, Wang Zengqi prose brings readers more ancient Cleaner is a sense of detachment. I will be "sad beauty" and "gentle harmony" both to compare the two prose works heterogeneous characteristics, to explore these differences result in the history of time, for various reasons such individualsChapter III: Shen Cong-wen, Wang Zengqi prose function theory. Thirties and the eighties of the time very different from the situation, affecting Shen Cong-wen, Wang Zengqi function of different theoretical prose. I will be "revealed in the comparison of pain" and "solemn and quiet in the rain in their hearts" to illustrate two aspects, although the time in which different, but Shen Cong-wen and Wang Zengqi writers are out of duty and conscience, the use of pens in their hands, and build from conducive to social life has its own literary world. Although both the Shen Congwen pursued original vitality shows, or singing a poem by Wang Zengqi personality harmony, reality does not necessarily agree that everyone has become a "spiritual home", but as the mainstream dialogue and centers blend of "one dollar", add large the entire system of cultural tension, the existence of truth is its biggest success.Shen Cong-wen's "age change" and Wang Zengqi's "Grand talents mature slowly," people food for thought with emotion. I hope that through a comparative study of both literary history than to restore the true individual, be given an objective and fair evaluation, and development of literary inspiration, nothing more.
Keywords/Search Tags:Homogeneity, Edge, Water-based, Heterogeneous
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