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"strange Tales" Communication Research

Posted on:2010-01-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F L ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360272994267Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio" is written by the renowned writer Pu Song Ling of the Qing dynasty, which is the best of ancient Chinese classical novel. There are many studies about "Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio", This article, the process of dissemination of "Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio" to be discussed from the perspective of Literature Communication Studies.On the one hand, this article is divided into two time periods: the Qing Dynasty, the Twentieth century; On the other hand, the main body of this article have five sections: Dissemination of the main, dissemination of the media, dissemination of results, dissemination of the contents of "Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio", and the Audience Research.First of all, this article discuss that the process of dissemination of "Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio". The writer started the spread of Self-dissemination, at the same time, actively interpersonal communication ; Analysis the dissemination of the media of "Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio": Hand-copied book and Printed book, folk and Opera, etc. As a result of the interaction between these media, There are a lot of the late Qing dynasty writer imitated Pu's Personality and his book. So once again popular classical Chinese novel.Secondly, on the twentieth century, "Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio" has some new features of dissemination. Such as: Modernization of the Dissemination theme, diversification of the media, the target audience of the popular, dissemination process of the organization and dissemination of such world-wide. This article analyzes the printing and publishing, stage drama, film and television to disseminate these three modes of transmission.Finally, there is "Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio" spread abroad, respectively, "Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio" in Asia, Europe, the spread of the different circumstances that the representative of Japan in Asia, Russia, on behalf of the European Sinologists Alekseyev. Because of different geographical and cultural backgrounds are different, the spread will alsohave different characteristics.
Keywords/Search Tags:"Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio", Communication Studies
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