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Tagore And Modernity

Posted on:2009-04-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360272956194Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The modernity includes the enlightened modernity and the esthetic modernity. Tagore's short stories not only show us the distinct enlightened modernity color, but also express his pursuit of obscurity esthetic modernity. The enlightened modernity displays in the advocate reason, opposes feudal bad customs, the caste system, the false religion, the traditional customs, superstitious belief and so on. The pursuit of esthetic modernity displays person's inner world which takes the individual in the attention, the human emotion, subconscious, the conflict of individual and tradition, the alienation of person caused by money, the love to nature and the usage of the incredible and symbolic skills. The reasons that Tagore's modernity can form are not only the influence of West modernism literature, but also the infiltration of Eastern literature and the need of the transformation of the Eastern literature to modernization. Although Tagore's short stories have the obvious modernity factor, they are not considered as the modernism works. Exactly, they are able to be regarded as some transformational works from the realism to the modernism. The modernity in Tagore's short stories adapts to the transformation of the Eastern literature to modernization, and also promote the Indian literature modernization advancement further.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tagore, Short story, Modernity
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