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Received Art Training With The Original Ecology Of Children's Painting Form A Comparative Analysis

Posted on:2008-06-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:A J LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360215471838Subject:Art education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Childhood is the beginning period of art performance, and it is also in this periodthat art education, in which painting education children's painting will promotechildren's understanding of the world with distinctive images and strong influence andinspire children's aesthetic sense and modeling intelligence. Therefore, how to complywith the law of children's painting and bring into full play of the moulding function hasbecome the basic strategy of children painting education.Humn's psychology is divided into 2 parts by Freud, consciousness andsub-conscious ness (or unconscious ness). The former part is directly related with theperception, including the momentary a ware ness and aware ness that can not berealized at the moment but can be recalled later; the latter one mainly includes human'sprimitive impulses, various personal instinct, and the desire of instinct after his birth.It is conventionally held that human's psychological activity is a process ofconsciousness, and psychology is a subject mainly deals with the conscious hess, andthe features of human's mental activity mainly lies in his rational conscious hess, suchas his emotion, thought and will. Therefore, in children's painting education, muchattention has been paid to the children's consciousness, but their physical andpsychological features, inherent desires and motives have been neglected.Painting is children's psychological symbol. The principal part of children'spainting is their cognitive and emotion to the word around. Children usuallycommunicate with the outer world by painting, expressing their own feelings. Nomatter in which period, either doodle or symbol period, the unique visual language ofchildren's original art works can take on the essentials of art better.This paper provides us a thought of 2 models of education with acomparative-analysis method of two forms of children's paintings, one is the all-aroundeducation being abstract, exaggerative, deformative, instinctive, and expressing thechildren's true feelings; the other is the conceptualized, rigid education method, being impressed by teachers and the outer world. If we ignore the scientific nature that isbased on their age features and growth laws, asking them to prematurely imitateregulated skills of the adult passively, their ability will be suppressed, their creativespace dwindled, and their creativity, imagination and observation ability restricted.This paper will fall into 4 parts. Chapter 1 analyzes the features and natures ofchildren's paintings and the current situation of children's painting education in China.Chapter 2 mainly expounds Freud's consciousness and sub-consciousness in children'spainting psychology. Chapter 3 is the core of this paper. It provides us a comparasionbetween the paintings of the art-educated children and the uneducated children from theperspective of form, color and composition, and gets the conclusion that children'spainting education varies from the adult professional education. The children's paintingeducation should be intuitive, emotional and expressive, abiding by children's growingand psychological development both the physical and psychological development ofchildren. Chapter 4 proposes the inspiration on current children's painting teaching bythe comparative analysis above.As children painting teachers, we should follow children's growth law ofperception and vision, guide and inspire children's thinking with scientific method andtheory. It's also necessary to develop children's imagination, creativity, flexibility,fluency, sensitiveness and other non-intellectual capability, making children being ableto observe, accumulate, explore, imagine, taste and express. The current society is andera advocating personality and it is in great need of avant-couriers and tend-guides. It isour responsibility to discover and cultivate such talents by means of art education.
Keywords/Search Tags:children's painting, conceptualization, intuitiveness, painting psychology, sub-consciousness
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