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Economic Cooperation Moral Quest

Posted on:2008-07-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X B CaoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the globalize and internet economy, economic cooperation has become the major way for the economic subjects to gain benefits and maintain advantages. Against this background, the paper, with the research methods of ethics and economics, and looking into the question from the characteristics of economicality and ethicality, individuality and collectiveness of the mankind, analyzes the ethical connotations of economic cooperation, ponders on the ethical problems which hinder Cooperation, and discusses the solutions to these problems from the perspective of cooperative revenue, cooperative hazard, and cooperative trust, in an attempt to promote trust, reduce cooperative trust, and gain both ethical and economic benefits. In the last part, having analyzed the influence of traditional Chinese cooperation ethics on contemporary economic cooperation, the writer proposes to rebuild the ethical system of contemporary Chinese economic cooperation, and emphasizes the rationality of Chinese enterprises, which are the most important economic subjects.
Keywords/Search Tags:economic cooperation, ethics, benefit, rebuilding
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