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Zhang Xuecheng And History Of The Modern Transformation

Posted on:2008-07-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D R LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360212998821Subject:Historical Theory and History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Zhang Xue Cheng , an outstangding Qing-Dynasty historian and thinker, was honorded as the sole master of historical science of Qing-Dynasty by Liang Qi Chao. But not until the twenties century, was he noticed and praised by scholars. Researched the Zhang academic almost hundred, scholars had different interpretation to the Zhang's academic thought because of the distinction of their academic viewpoint and background. This interpretation on the one hand reflected the Zhang science existed internal factor of producing different explaining, on the other hand showed the expounding of academic viewpoint had been effected many external factors. Accepters either criticized the Zhang science or spoke highly of, but no matter whether criticized or not, they put on the basis of respective academic standpoint and was restricted to academic general mood at that time. The interaction of the schoolars' cultural value trend and social historic cultural context was also very important element of their accepting standpoint.As the Zhang science's accepter, they focused on the study Zhang Xue Cheng and his works without prior consultation. In reality this intergrowth phenomenon is certain universality reflect of epochic designated mood and mental state. The arise of this phenomenon not only was the need of era but also was produced resonance from the Zhang science. The studying of the Zhang science which was permeated with each stage of the development of Chinese modern history, touched upon many parts of twenties century Chinese history science. The summation of the achievement of Zhang Xue Cheng's academic research is significant to the understanding of hundred year's development of Chinese history science.The studying of Zhang Xue Cheng was checked up and summarized from receiving science angles, which was new angle of view and point of tangency of academic history research. This article, based on the researching achievement of modern academic historians and directed by accepting science theory, will give explanatory notes and reestablish academic research of the Zhang and attempt to find the readers' expecting field of vision and the deep relationship of era.
Keywords/Search Tags:Accepting Science Theory, Modern Academic, Mutation
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