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The Scholar 'awareness Of Life Study

Posted on:2007-02-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J R YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360185482779Subject:Chinese classical literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Period of Wei and Jin Dynasties has been regarded as a period of great significance in Chinese history of cultures and thoughts. Frequent wars, cruel political struggles, sufferings from famines, social chaos and peasant uprisings, all had resulted in the big threat to people's life more serious than any times in the history. This situation has provoked literati in Wen and Jin dynasties to explore the meaning of being living in their individual consciousness. With such a short-lived life, how do literati realize their own pursuits of life? How to understand the eternal value of individual life within such a short-lived period? All these questions and consideration have contributed to the thematic study of life consciousness among literati in the period. Their strong feeling of being living and struggling for their individual values have distinguished themselves from other literati since Qin and Han dynasties.The thesis consists of five parts with the theme of exploring the life consciousness among literati in Wen and Jin Dynasties.Part one is introduction which has summed up the historical background, social thoughts and changes of literati feelings since late Han dynasty. Breaking down the theological thought of the harmony between Heaven and Man has put an end to the authority of dominating thought bounded upon the literati. Heterodoxy and newly born thoughts have helped literati to free themselves from the traditional classics and begin to establish their personal independence and pursue their individual values; literati have kept a distance from the central government and therefore they have experienced a big change from being submissiveness to struggling for self consciousness and individual life in their minds.Part two has discussed the life consciousness among literati in Jianan Period. Great number of death has caused literati to think about the collective life in the society. Life and death has also pressed them to think over their individual life consciousness. They feel anxious to realize their individual values and eternal meaning of their life by "establishing their virtue, achievement and words".Part three focuses on the life consciousness among literati in Zhengshi period. Metaphysical thought has influenced literati greatly and changed their value system. Literati in this period has pursued an ideal life style of "being beyond any religion and...
Keywords/Search Tags:Wei and Jin Dynasties, Literati, Life Consciousness
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