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Ancient Scroll Painting Style

Posted on:2007-04-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H H YuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360182490646Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Pictures of ladies, is an important theme in the art of painting. The art description of ladies has never been interrupted, its development has experienced the time in which it was focused on domesticate efficiency to the time for pure admiration, the ladies' charming appearance, graceful stature and magnificent costume please both the painter and views. Artists expressed their artistic opinions when painting the looks. The dissertation made a minute description on the main works of some famous artists in every period form Han Dynasty to Qing, it was focused on the ways of expressing the ladies, judging from the analyse to the changes in shape-making, line and colour-using, and different artistic property among artists, together with a limited personal view, and how the skills passed down from generation to generation, it sized up the advantages and disadvantages of every picture. Generally speaking, from a microcosmic view, highlights existed in every period of the development of pictures of ladies, spiritually, artists in Wei and Jin tried their best to give characters in theirs works spirit by emphasizing shape; technically, pictures of ladies reached the peak in Tang and Song Dynasty, setting colours in Tang and making lines in Song were made mirror, from which the descendant artists absorbed nutrition; on theme choosing, pictures of Ming and Qing not only had a larger range of expression, but also represented various and colourful skills, naturally, works with special characteristics appeared. Macroscopically, the reason why pictures of ladies fell is that its attention to society, denouncement or sympathy or praise, they all changed to personal whisper or groan, those pictures turned thin and weak dolls from real characters gradually. Investigating Chinese ancient scroll pictures of ladies is for picking up its soul from the dregs, and guiding me how to show the shape and spirit of modern women in future.
Keywords/Search Tags:Painting
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