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The Generation Of The Tang Dynasty, The Local Ombudsman And Rheology Studies

Posted on:2007-03-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360182486045Subject:History of Ancient China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The research of local supervising institution in Tang Dynasty has gained great achievements. But most of these achievements are mainly aboutcentral supervising institution---Yushitai. The scholars pay attentionto the functions of Yushitai in local supervising institution. But very few of them research into local supervising emissary. The system of local supervising emissary is the embodiment of mature supervising system in Tang Dynasty. It is an important supervising form and it developed from temporary emissary to settled local eparch. This change brings far-reaching influences on Tang Dynasty society. So we should regard the local supervising emissary as an important research subject.This paper makes out the local supervising emissary as research object and researches how it developed in Tang Dynasty. Through making the developing process clear, the paper tries to analyze the reasons, such as the development and reform of dao as the local administrative system ; protecting and adjusting the formal official system in Tang Dynasty;the incapability and limitation of the central supervising institution —Yushitai in supervising local areas. Furthermore, local supervising emissary's own characteristic is also an important factor which influences its development. And through discussing these factors' influences in Tang Dynasty, the paper reveals the true face of local supervising emissary in Tang Dynasty and tries to contribute to the research of supervising institution of Tang Dynasty.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tang Dynasty, local supervising emissary, temporary, settled, local eparch
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