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Qu Yuan Artistic Style, From The Chu History And The Mythology Of Witchcraft

Posted on:2006-09-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z W GaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360155977678Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The style of Qu Prose is the historical product of Chu state and Chu nationality, as well as the rational achievement of the Chu culture, which has always been developing in the long history and in possession of its own features. In Northern China, there are no conditions for the production of the works that get Qu Prose's style. So, Qu Prose only belongs to Chu nationality and Qu Yuan, the author himself.Generally, the historical development of Chu state or Chu nationality can be divided into four parts: i ) the ancient times before Yu Xiong's legends; ii) the beginning of Chu's prosperous years before Xiong Xun; iii) the most powerful and prosperous years before Chu's Huan emperor; iiii) the ending years of Chu state. In the about one thousand years of history, Chu nationality had changed from the weak to the powerful, from the powerful to the weak, and finally disappeared. Associated with Qu Prose, the features of the development of Chu's history can be seen as follows: long history; the preservation of many primitive systems; the integration of Chu nationality closely connected with the history of Chu state; the permanent existence of the discrimination and invasion from Zhongyuan. All of these features finally became part of the collective consciousness of Chu nationality, which has an impact on the thinking and actions of Chu people, as well as the artistic style of Qu Prose. On the one hand, Qu Yuan felt glad at the Chu state's long and special history and its centuries of power, which is revealed by the strength and the romantic elements in Qu Prose; on the other hand, the long history of discrimination and invasion Chu nationality suffered makes Qu Prose get tragic connotations, thus bringing Qu Prose the aesthetic significance of sadness.The Wufeng in Chu state is combined with other artistic forms such as song, dance, music, etc. Compared with the Wufeng in northern China, the Wufeng in Chu state has more primitive properties and is contrained by fewer conventions. Together with the tale tradition, it has a decisive impact on the Qu Prose's structures and contents, its mysterious and romantic styles and the production of its holy space. The characteristics of the fairy tales in Chu state are mostly inherited from those of various ancient totems. That is because they had preserved more the primitive environmental features and had be affected less by the historical factors. Totem and fairy tales bring Qu Prose its ambiguous nature as well as its complicated symbolic meaning. Qu Yuan gave renovations to the ancient fairy tales, and made them serve the necessity of his feeling expression.
Keywords/Search Tags:Qu prose, the history of Chu kingdom, Wufeng, fairy tales, artistic style
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