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The Same Thing

Posted on:2006-03-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360152483527Subject:Chinese Ethnic Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The contemporary countryside-backgrounded novels of China present different scenes thank to writers' different preferring. Lu Xun and Fei Ming are separately the two preferings' representatives . Reading the novels of Lu Xun's and Fei Ming's , we will have different feelings : sadness and pleasure , dismal and lifeful , ugly and fine . It is worth to research Lu Xun and Fei Ming's countryside-backgrounded novels , but there have few people to study in this field . Researchers used to relate Fei Ming with Zhou Zuoren who is Lu Xun's brother , instead of Lu Xun.This article consists of six chapters . The introduction simply introduces the development of contemporary countryside-backgrounded novels of China . Moreover simply comparing Lu xun against Fei Ming's creative work , and obtain that such creative works are "Reaching the same goal by different routes "。Part of first section of the article compares Lu Xun and Fei Ming'snovels' subject-- life and death . The life and death happening in theold Chinese village are accordant, but Lu Xun against Fei Ming endowed with the different sense 。 The life and death present ugly scene in Lu Xun's novels , in order to animadvert the old Chinese village . He endowed the ordinary death and life with ponderous historical meanings .Whereasly , Fei Ming looked on the death and life aesthetically . He built a paradise constructed of fine people and things . In the paradise , people live quietly and happily , everything occurs naturally . Between the people and people , people and nature is the harmonious . We can conclude that Fei Ming want to build a beautiful and harmonious world according to study from tradition .In second chapter of the article , I will compare the characters of Lu Xun and Fei Ming's work . This chapter is composed of two sections witch is female characters' comparing and ordinary people's compare . By means of the compare , we conclude that both Fei Ming and Lu Xun look on the old Chinese village with complex emotion , witch lead to different paintings from Lu Xun and Fei Ming's work . Fei Ming's character is softly witch allow him evade the actual suffering ; however, Lu Xun try to breakthrough the pure yearning of the old hometown , and show his yearning by animadverting his hometown .The third chapter's content is comparing to the folk-custom in Lu Xun and Fei Ming's works . The folk-custom is the living environment of the countryside people . The attitude to the folk-custom is also the attitude to the countryside and tradition . Lu Xun want to bring forth the ugly of the traditional folk-custom , such as how it restrict the people's life and how to snuff out the humanity . He intentionally inhibited the fine emotions in the countryside。 Fei Ming depict the folk-custom with pieceand fine attitude . In his works , the people live in the folk-custom like fish swimming in water . All of the three chapters discuss both Lu Xun and Fei Ming's attitude to the old Chinese countryside .In the forth chapter , you will read the comparative between Lu Xun to Fei Ming 's works' different narration means? The lives in the old Chinese countryside are similar, witch take on different appearance in Lu Xun and Fei Ming's works . The Arcanum is the narration means , especially the narration angle..The article end with a conclusion that it is "Reach the same goal by different routes " of Lu Xun and Fei Ming ' countryside-backgrounded novels.
Keywords/Search Tags:The contemporary countryside-backgrounded novels of China, attitude to the countryside, the motive of writing, the method of writing
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