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The Four Towns Of The Dezong Early King And The Department Set Baiguan Of "

Posted on:2004-05-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X J LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360095457801Subject:History of Ancient China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
After Tang De Zong became the new emperor of Tang Dynasty, he wanted to get rid of the separatists in Hebei. But what he did threatened these separatists' benefit, so they rebelled against Tang Dynasty, and founded four states. They made themselves kings of these states, and appointed as many officials as these ststes needed. This paper based on the existing history material, analyzed the system of these states that four separatist founded. The paper was divided into four parts.First, analyzed the system of Neigong System, Shizi System, and Guogong System. Zhu Tao, the separatist in Youzhou, named himself Ji King, Wang Wujun, the separatist in Hengji, named himself Zhao King, Tian Yue, the separatist in Weibo, named himself Wei King, Li Na, the separatist in Ziqing, named himself Qi King. Four separatists founded new states in November 782.AD, but they didn't abolish what they founded at the same time.Second, analyzed the official System that four separatist founded. In central authorities, four separatists imitated Tang Dynasty founded San'gong System, Liuguan Sheng or Shangshu Sheng System, Dong Cao System and Xi Cao System. In military System, they appointed their men Huya General, Baoluo General, Yingyang Junshi and Longxiang Junshi. In locality, they imitated Tang Dynasty founded a new administrative areaFu, appointed their confidant Liushou, Liuhou andYuanshuai. In official document, they also imitated Tang Dynasty founded their own one.Third, analyzed the source and the difference of the State System that four separatist founded. The source of that State System are not Xingtai Shangshu Sheng of early Tang Dynasty. In fact, it had not only a source. Imitated the state of Warring States Period is four separatists' guideline, most system imitated the system of Tang Dynasty, at the same time, it has effected by the system of Han Dynasty and Sui Dynasty.Fourth, analyzed the characteristic of the system four separatist founded. Four separatist made serious effort in designing their States' System. They considered the states they founded belong to Tang Dynasty, considered kings they named themselves low than emperor of Tang Dynasty, considered the system they founded as the system of Tang Dynasty's states. The system four separatist intentionally designed had two typical characteristic: one was low than the system of Tang Dynasty, the other was high than the system of Jiedu Shi.On the whole, the State System four separatist founded was the system of the state under Tang Empire, it was a result of certainty that four separatist imitated the kingdom of Warring States Period. From the system four separatist founded, we could see the ideal government that four separatist eager for.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tang De Zong, the time of Jianzhong, four separatist, made themselves king, appointed officials
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