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Design Consciousness In The Modern Art Of Painting

Posted on:2004-04-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z HeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360092986745Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In view of human civilization, the arts of painting and designing are from the same and one source with interaction. The first hand-made piece of tools is also the starting of the creation in art. Art the beginning of 20th century, a number of artists and designers became aware of the trend in new age and began to adopt new materials for the purpose of being adapted to the modem industrial world. With the emergence of knowledge economy, plurality and market-orientation, designing is showing its impact in the modern social life. As an integration of technique and art, designing is more likely to reflect the diversity of personality and human nature.The thesis intends to synthesize the traditional painting art and modern design art. Furthermore, the work was done to demonstrate the necessity and prospect of returning to modern painting by analyzing design awareness from the perspectives of esthetics, history, culture development as well as creation psychology and practice of Chinese modern and contemporary artists under the circumstances of globalization.To be concrete, the thesis also intends to analyze the boarder between today's painting and today's design along the developmental train of modern and post-modern painting and modem design so that the design awareness can be accepted and admitted by painting art practitioners, through which a new thinking of modern painting art will be developed. Design awareness provides the theoretical evidences for painting in the use of modern design means and modern scientific and technological achievements, and gives more opportunities to cultivate and dig the creativity and creative thinking.
Keywords/Search Tags:Designing awareness, Modernism, Bauhuas, Ideology, Popular art
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