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Zhao Shu Theory

Posted on:2002-12-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y J DiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360032952621Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The article simply reviews the studies on Zhao Shuli of the past, and then points out that it would lead to misunderstanding on Thao Shuli whether appraising him from the mainstream literature and art notion mainly advocated by 揟he Speech on Yan抋n Literature and Art Symposium? or from the free and unrestrained folk stand which opposes the mainstream ideology. The article holds that Zhao Shuli is a peasant writer in essence, who comes from countiyside but whose mental space is higher a little than peasants~. As a peasant, Thao Shu]i could write out the unprecedented real countryside in lite*yhistoiy. As a writer whose mental space is higher a little than peasants? he could criticize many feudal shortcomings of peasants and surpass other common writers of Group Shan Yao Dan. However, the mental state of an awakened peasant brings not only reputation for his wnting~ but also the inevitable limitation. FirstI~ his peasant nature made the judgement of value was frequently controlled by morals. Secondly, his peasant nature made him void of independence spirit, and regarded the Parties?thoughts as his thoughts, this sincere belief even developed silly loyalty. Lastly, the peasant nature made 慖 him stubbornly believed that folk form as the central source of nation forms, which cut the possibility of many rcfrrencos and did great harm to his writing.
Keywords/Search Tags:peasant
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