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Poetry Normalized "jingling School Of Poetry Programme

Posted on:2001-03-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360002952167Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Poetry Anthology, unconventional well-selected poems, was compiled by Zhong Xing and Tan Yuanchuneaders of the Jing Ling school, following The Comments of Poems of Tang Dynasty by Gao Bing in the early Ming Dynasty and Selected Poems of Tang Dynasty by Li Panlong in the middle Ming Dynasty, It symbolizes the poem-writing of the Jing Ling School and stands for the leading style of the literary circles of the late Ming Dynasty. This thesis will dwell on Poetry Anthology in two parts The first part is a summary of Poetry Anthology which includes three sections: NO. 1. An introduction of the compilershong Xing and Tan Yuanchun :a brief account of their lives and the development of their thoughts which influences the purpose and style of the anthology .And the appearance of the anthology is due to the reason that it enables them to express their opinions. NO.2: Compared with The Comments of Poems of Tang Dynasty and selected poems of Tang Dynasty, Poetry Anthology has its own characteristics, and that is original and special. And these characteristics are developed by the analysis of the literal thoughts of the compilers and the selection of poems. NO.3: The spread and acceptance of Poetry Anthology in Ming and Qing Dynasty: At the beginning, it was as highly praised as the famous works The Book of Songs and On Three Capitals , and then with the change of social thoughts, it was criticized by the scholars of the early Qing Dynasty, and a good case in point was GU Yanwu. As a whole , however, its defects cannot obscure its virtues and the rise and fall of its fate provides us with plenty of materials which enable our research Jing Ling school The second part is mainly about the influences which Poetry Anthology has on the theory ,poem -writing and the literal place of Jing Ling school .The topic of this part is explained in three aspects: NO.1: Poetry Anthology is a vivid picture of Jing Ling school Theory deep and serene like a cave, and high and steep like a mountain peak. JingLing school absorbs the quintessence from the earlier Gong?An school while at the same time improves its shortcomings with the only view to extract real poems and true spirits from the previous generations. According to Jingling school Theory ,poems should be implicit and reserved apart from expressing the poets? fancy minds. NO.2.Poety Anthology represents the writing style of Jing Ling school And its standard of selecting poems affects its followers deeply. Naturally, Jing Ling school and the Seven Scholars of Ming Dynasty shares the leading position in literal world NO.3 Thanks to Poetry Anthology, Jing Ling school establishes its literal standing in the history of poetry. Being another banner in the poetry circle following the Gong An school ,Jing Ling school gathers a good rare of poets and supersedes GongAn school as a leading faction, and in the late Ming Dynasty. It becomes a major school challenging the back-to-the Ancient school. In a word ,Poetry Anthology is the theoretical guiding principle of Jing Ling school ,and it is a vital factor of its formation, it is an anthology with special creativity in the late Ming Dynasty.
Keywords/Search Tags:", jingling
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