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The Poetry Theory Of The Jingling School In Late Ming

Posted on:2013-11-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330374496510Subject:Literature and art
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The jingling rise and prevailed in the Ming Dynasty Wanli period, Tianqi, early ChongZhen, which is a period from prosperity to decline. In the literature of the Ming Dynasty, thestruggle between retro and restart was continuing. The poetics of the Wanli period includesthe Seven Poets, Gong’an and Jingling School. Seven Poets retro focuses on poetry form,emphasizing that no essays match those of Qin and Han and that no poetry matches TangPoetry., ignoring the retro of poetic forms and poets ‘s creative initiative. Seven ‘s later schoolsimulated copying from the former poets, which led to the fixed metrical form, ignoring theinnovation in the creation of the poetic content.“Gong’an School”,following the Seven,presented they hoped to transform from “following the ancient to following the heart”, inorder to correct the disadvantages of the sub-Seven. The talents of Late Gong’an were lesslearned, who focused on one-sided emphasis on expressing spirituality. However, they had solittle to base it on that “to express spirituality" was changed into the vulgar no text. In order tocorrect the drawbacks of of the Seven Poets and the Late Gong’an, Jingling School raised theidea of integration of following the ancient and following the heart, and integration of styleand spirituality, trying to correct the Ming Dynasty Poetry to find the right path for thedevelopment of the Ming poetry. As for the theory of poetry advocated by Jingling School, Isummarize the four points, namely: the "changable","true","quiet" and "thick"."Changable",means the new changes advocated by the Jingling School, in opposition to the Seven ‘s andGong’an’s drawbacks. In the appreciation of poetry and evaluation, Zhong Xing and TanYuanchun views "Poetry is alive," and that the poem selection and evaluation standard of"Shigui," is unique."True" refers to the Jingling School inherited the the Gong’an ‘s idea,paying attention to their independent spirit," the idea of great importance to the Sentiment, butdifferent from Gong’an’s focus on secular and fragmented poetic tradition. The JinglingSchool advocates ls seeking the truth from the former poetry, turning their attention to theancients. They attached great importance to the poet’s individual creative independence andaccomplishment of the poet character, and opposed that the Sevens neglect poets initiative,put forward the views that the poem is clear,"Quiet" refers to the exquisite feelings of thepoet and the poet quiet scene around them. The poets’ inside can only be to be seeked fromthe quiet scene far away from noise."Thick" refers to poetry writing regression to studyancient poetry, learning poetry the gentle Park Run harmony."Thick" is a good medicine fortreatment of the ills, which is centered on the ideal way to seek the true poetry of the ancients ". The core of the Jingling School poetry theory is a combination of following the heart andfollowing the ancient.
Keywords/Search Tags:Zhongxing, Tanyuanchun, Jingling school, Pre-Seven and sub-seven, Gonganschool
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