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Deconstruction Of Heidegger Of Aristotle Purpose Due

Posted on:2012-10-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205330335998312Subject:Foreign philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Heidegger's philosophy involves the problem of Being, existence, art, history, ethics, religion and the core issues of many other areas. In addition to the appearances of the writing that appears to be original works, his philosophy is almost expanded by interpreting the previous Philosophers, such as the pre-Socratic philosophers, Plato, Aristotle, later Scholasticism, Kant, Leibniz, Hegel and Nietzsche. It is worth mentioning that Heidegger's interpretation on Aristotle is most unique, because he once intend to reorganize the history of philosophy by Aristotle's thoughts, and pronounced that Aristotle's thoughts is more greek, more original than Plato's.Domestic and international academic circles center on the relationship of Heidegger and Husserl's phenomenology and Heidegger's interpretation on Kant. Even in the area, most studies propose to rebuild the formation history of Heidegger's philosophy and investigate the essential impact of Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics on Heidegger's Being and Time.My dissertation will perform the difference between Aristotle's own thoughts and Heidegger's interpretation. By analyzing the small concepts, such as force [possibility], end, actualization, art, origin and movement, we want to bring to light that Heidegger's interpretation is only a mean to build his own philosophy. The differences of the two Sages'thoughts are, firstly, the vanishing of the end [telos] as the whole, and secondly the disappearance of the god that is actualized by the activity of pure nous.The first chapter will show why Aristotle establishes the concept end to unify his whole thoughts. The second chapter will reveal Heidegger's conversion from cause to origin by careful analysis on Heidegger's interpretation. The third chapter will verify the disappearance of the activity of pure nous. The last chapter will depict the whole appearance and reality of Aristotle and Heidegger's philosophy.
Keywords/Search Tags:end [telos], actualization, origin, art, happening of the truth
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