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Fission Drama "third Party" Image

Posted on:2012-12-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X O XuFull Text:PDF
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TV, as the important part of Mass Media, carries the task of spread and interpreting social gender and culture.With the Open Door policy and economic reform, China has experienced the social transition and transformation, which directly related to the change of tradition concept on clan family. Especially, for instance, women have changed their value in choosing marriage and love, which also influenced the "family" as the social space. Moreover, the social topic of "the lover", in Chinese dialect named "Xiao San", aroused the controversy over moral and social ethnic, which indirectly but inevitably related to the development of TV Industry. Therefore, one has researched on the changing image of "Xiao San".Based on the TV Dramas,such as, ,,, one will analyze the relationship between the changing image of "the Lover", the social development and the diversification of feminine social value. In all these plays, the role of "the lover", has gone through different periods, and has been changed from the "conservative" which avoided social controversy to the "open", which face to the reality of the stress.The topic of "the Lover" and "Affair" has been designed as the dramatic foundation and driving force of the play, which was no longer assigned as the moral standard in order to be discussed.From this point, the changing image of "the lover" reflects the relations between the role of Chinese women and the society in the transition period of China. Meanwhile, their changing relations evidenced the radical change of social moral standard and plenty social problems coming with the urbanization.This dissertation uses the methodology of communication content analysis, followed the principle of objectivity and universality, sorts out the changing of image of "the lover" and the whole society.First of all, one reviews different ways of dealing with "the lover" in the real environment and in the pseudo environment. Secondly, with detailed review, reflects the development and changes of imagine of "the lover" and its related social transition. Then, one analyzes the communicator, the composition of audience, and the ideology of "the lover", taking as sample, in which one has been assigned as producer, combines with the real production proceed and insight interviews with author and director, in order to resolve the social interactivity of this TV drama.Starting with the macro environment, gradually narrowing down to a specific work, using feminism, ethic and sociology theories, one analyzes and finds out the image of "the lover" in a pseudo environment and the public opinion of "the lover", then further discovers many problems in an urbanization environment in China.The diachronic change of the image of "the lover" has reflected China, in which the concept of clan family used to been deeply rooted, has been changing in the process of urbanization and modernization. The individual in the changing society, especially women, has to know how to choose their own destiny in the dilemma of the love, work and life. With the interactive influence in the pseudo and social environment, the contradiction of "the lover", reflects the reality, in which that the diversity and instability of people's mind struggle with the traditional culture in the transition period of China.
Keywords/Search Tags:", third
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