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Level Fritillaria Resources Survey, Evaluation, And Quality

Posted on:2011-01-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H T LiFull Text:PDF
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To better understand the status of Fritillaria ussuriensis Maxim.resources, protect wildlife resources of Fritillaria ussuriensis, authentic ingredients to promote this northeast sustainable use of resources, multi-faceted evaluation of Bulbus fritiliariae ussuriensis qualities. In the reference on the basis of the relevant literature conducted the following studies:Fritillaria ussuriensis Maxim. is the genuine medicine of Northeast ,commonly used for clinical medicine. We have 25 pairs of Jilin and Liaoning provinces Fritillaria horizon samples of wild and cultivated resources field survey that in recent years, due to indiscriminate indiscriminate digging, forest destruction and other man-made factors, resources, destruction of wildlife Fritillaria ussuriensis serious, resource depletion; compared with the wild resources, cultivation of Fritillaria ussuriensis very rich resources.Fritillaria ussuriensis Maxim's widely distributed, especially the increase in planting base to enable the production of Fritillaria ussuriensis no uniform standards and norms, the environment is different from production management methods, harvesting and processing of the different and so on, leading to Bulbus fritiliariae ussuriensis quality differences, this experiment 70 different sources of Bulbus fritiliariae ussuriensis samples and 27 soil samples were analyzed.Bulbus fritiliariae ussuriensis from different sources were determined level of output, extract, water and other indicators; using HPLC-ELSD method for simultaneous determination of the level of peimine and peiminine, Peiminine content, was found in the wild peimine and peiminine, significantly higher than those cultivated Peiminine Bulbus fritiliariae ussuriensis of different origin and cultivation environment on the level of peimine and peiminine, the content of Peiminine affect one to three years in the life of Bulbus fritiliariae ussuriensis, the two With the kinds of alkaloids increases the growth of number of years; using HPLC determination of the level of adenosine in Bulbus fritiliariae ussuriensis the content of the wild levels of adenosine in Bulbus fritiliariae ussuriensis generally lower than the cultivation of Bulbus fritiliariae ussuriensis,Autumn harvest levels were significantly higher than that of adenosine in Fritillaria the spring harvest Fritillaria ussuriensis, indicating harvest season, a great impact on the content of adenosine; the use of 20 water-soluble components of Fritillaria ussuriensis HPLC batch patterns established Bulbus fritiliariae ussuriensis water-soluble components fingerprints, matching a total of 10 peaks, similarity is greater than 0.9, the application of the relative peak area of SPSS software, clustering analysis, the results will be exactly the spring and autumn harvesting period, level of different Bulbus fritiliariae ussuriensis each clustered a category, this result confirms the experimental determination of adenosine derived harvesting season of the great influence on water-soluble components of Fritillaria ussuriensis Maxim conclusions; Bulbus fritiliariae ussuriensis Polysaccharide in the Determination of experiments, the measured Fritillary MotherPolysaccharide content of 30.98% on average in spring were higher than the autumn of content, the experimental results is exactly in line with the growth pattern of Fritillaria ussuriensis Maxim. To sum up, flat Fritillaria medicinal quality and the ecological environment, and growth cycle, harvesting and processing methods have a direct relationship. In this study, pairs of Bulbus fritiliariae ussuriensis plants and soil content of inorganic elements in the content of inorganic elements were detected compared to experimental results show that the level Bulbus fritiliariae ussuriensis inorganic element content and the growth period and harvesting period, and so there is no direct relationship with the environment state of the soil.
Keywords/Search Tags:Fritillaria ussuriensis Maxim., Resources, Quality evaluation
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