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Mainstream Media, The Construction Of Medical Image

Posted on:2011-10-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D S LiuFull Text:PDF
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According to the Frame Theory, the way how news reports portray doctors'images will, to a certain extent, influence the construction of audience's cognition of the reality of doctors group. Therefore, news reports can somehow dominate people's attitude and judgment, even the response strategy when there is a medical event happening around them. In recent years, the negative reports towards doctor group are gradually increasing in quantity, and they do lead to the negative cognition of the doctors'image. A number of previous studies focused on the issue "how to maintain the harmony of physician-patient relationship". They discussed the inappropriate actions conducted by media when reporting medical events, like partial showing and exaggerating, and then offer the suggestion in producing "better" reports. However, without historical views, these studies only refer to the reports in recent years, while paying no attention to the long-term health care reform. What's more, the historical influence on the doctors'character, as well as on the issue that how doctors'image being constructed by media, was not taken in consideration, either. Therefore, the solutions they provided are superficial and almost useless in practice.My study refers to the health care reform and the deterioration of physician-patient relationship, deconstructs and rebuilds the doctors'images that media constructed in different period in the history, reproduce the root cause of the changes in doctors' image in three important section since the launching of health care reform in 1984.The study shows that the constructions of doctors'images in different periods reflect the expectation the society laid on doctors. In other words, the expectation shows through the images the media constructed, trying to call the doctors to realize it. However, along with the process of the health care reform, marker economy pulls the doctors in an opposite direction. The Ideology education and marker economy are gaming, leaving doctors hesitating between morality and interest, trapping in the dilemma of duplicity.The contrary between the expectation the society lay on doctors and the real behavior of doctors causes the questioning to the doctors group, even the deterioration of physician-patient relationship. The increasing negative reports these years are only tiny reflection of the whole problem. No matter whether the media reports will be more sensible and reasonable, the conflict will always be there, as long as the Ideology education and marker economy are still gaming.
Keywords/Search Tags:Doctors' Image, Framing analysis, People's Daily, Typical Reports
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