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Syndrome Of Blood Stasis In Patients With Lumbar Disc Herniation Cervical Disc Degeneration

Posted on:2009-04-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiFull Text:PDF
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Objective:Cervical lumbar spine syndrome is due to the developmen t of spinal stenosis and degeneration caused by cervical di sease and Yao Chuibing merger of the clinical syndrome.Cer vical and lumbar spine of the pathological changes are ofte n manifested as consistency,that is,cervical and lumbar s pinal stenosis at the same time,or has occurred.If the sy mptoms of cervical and lumbar spine at the same time,clini cal performance will be on the waist to neck syndrome a ser ies of signs and symptoms.Also the view that neck of lumba r disc herniation is cervical disc disease(cervical lumbar syndrome),an important reason for this issue through the observation of lumbar disc herniation in patients with Chin ese blood stasis cervical disc degeneration level,with a v iew to exploring lumbar disc herniation and cervical The in trinsic link between the diseaseMethods:According to a Valley-editor of "lumbar disc herniation " and the editor-in-chief Lu Yu Park,and other "practical science of" the development of the diagnostic criteria for lumbar disc herniation,with cases of choice,inclusion and exclusion criteria,taking into account national Administ ration of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1994 June 28 appr oved the "People's Republic of China in the pharmaceutical industry standards - the symptoms of lumbar disc herniation classification" of the lumbar disc herniation of TCM Syndr ome typing randomly selected 33 cases of lumbar disc hernia tion in patients with Chinese medicine as an observation of blood stasis Group.The control group of 38 cases,are no lumbar disc herniation fracture patients.The control grou p patients to the hospital for the same period of patients with spinal fractures.Observation and control groups after admission improve the relevant inspection,a clear diagnosis.Cervical MRI ex aminations were performed by the same method in the median sagittal MRI images on the basis of T2-weighted signal inte nsity as the disc determine the extent of cervical disc deg eneration.Mehalic,and other standard reference[4]is div ided into five grades.0:strong signal;one:strong signa 1;two:moderate-intensity signal;three:weak signal;fou r:no signal.Which is normal disc 0,1,2-were mild to mod erate degenerative disc;3,4-severe degenerative disc.Deg eneration in the level from the adjacent disc is more serio us.All data applications SPSS13.0 statistical analysis sof tware analysis,using analysis of variance,t tests,multip le linear regression and logistic regression.Results:Observer group and control group in age,gender,and ot her basic characteristics showed no significant difference (P>0.05),are comparable.The results showed that 71 case s of disc degeneration in the level of 0 16 cases,one in 1 5 cases,two in 14 cases,three in 12 cases,four in 14 cas es.Observer group and control group cervical disc degenera tion degree more significant(P<0.05),lumbar disc herniat ion in patients with Chinese blood stasis cervical disc deg eneration than a lumbar disc herniation in the cervical dis c degeneration serious degree(P<0.01). Conclusions:Lumbar disc herniation Chinese patients with blood stasis cervical disc degeneration of the high tendency of its mechanism and the intrinsic relationship between the two yet to be further explored.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lumbar disc herniation, Cervical disc degeneration, Cervical lumbar syndrome, MRI, TCM Syndrome
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