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Ancient Chinese Medicine, Medical Ethics Literature (remarks Papers) Finishing

Posted on:2008-09-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T Z ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2204360212988829Subject:TCM History and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This thesis is mainly on medical ethics remarks of ancient Chinese medical works and discusses the ideological connotation of medical ethics.This thesis is divided into two parts. The first part compiles the ancient Chinese medical ethics literature and selects 70 most representative medical moral remarks of ancient Chinese medical works. It is arranged by historical period. The first is medical moral literature of Pre-Qin and Dual-Han Dynasties. During this period medicine was separated from witchcraft and formed independent medical occupation and professional groups. They generalized behavior rules in their medical activities. The existing oldest Chinese classic, HuangDi NeiJing first put forward medical fault in detail, which included the attitude of medical ethics and analysis of medical moral behavior. The view of medical ethics of ShangHan Lun written by Zhang Zhongjing at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty set up an example of medical ethics to the afterwards. During Wei-Jin and Sui-Tang Dynasties ,of the medical ethics literature , the most representative works is Qian jin Yao Fang written by Sun Simiao. Knowledge of Great Doctors and Noble Doctors discussed the regulations of medical ethics and marked a peak of ancient Chinese medical ethics. During Song-Yuan Dynasties ,there were medical books of prescriptions edited by government and non-government. These books widely preached the moral ideas of healing and rescuing people. The Confucian physicians brightly expressed Confucianists'moral ideas. The medical moral literature of Chinese medicine during Ming-Qing dynasties was most abundant. The medical moral format was increasingly regulated. The items and disciplines were clear, such as five commandments and ten requirements, ten commandments of medicines, ten doctors'requirements, the rules of studying medicine and good doctors'mottos. The Ming and Qing Doctors made a historic breakthrough on medical ethic research. These doctors explicitly developed On Medical Ethics. They analyzed all kinds of human relationships during medical treatment in details and profoundly and also discussed differently the attitudes to doctors and patients. The criticism of the doctors'defects occupied an important position in Ming-Qing medical literatures, such as ten diseases of doctors, medical books of treating doctors, three diseases of famous doctors, six misconceptions of doctors, misconceptions of doctors and so on. The doctors of Ming-Qing dynasties expected to improve the ethical level by pointing out the misconceptions and wrong behaviors that doctors have got used to.The second part analyzes ideological meanings of medical ethics in ancient medical ethic literatures. These medical thoughts have played a historic role in the development of Chinese medicine and inevitably have certain historical limitations. We need analyze critically and draw selectively the useful composition to serve the construction of contemporary Chinese medicine.
Keywords/Search Tags:medical ethics, ancient Chinese medicine
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