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Spleen Appetizer Law Treatment Of Infantile Anorexia Clinical Literature And Experimental Research

Posted on:2007-10-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2204360185492254Subject:Chinese Academy of Pediatrics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Subject: Research on Clinical Literature and Experimental Mechanism of Juvenile Anorexia on Herbs Using Promoting Digestion and Appetite.Objective: To make clear the connotation of the methods in TCM therapy for anorexia. From the view of hormone in digestive system, discuss the TCM therapeutic mechanism.Methods:Ⅰ. From the literature articles of anorexia on TCM clinical research in recent ten years, Stat the mostly used herbs, analyze the relationships of the methods they presented and the forms of the cooperation of them, then come to the core of therapeutic rule.Ⅱ. Establish the juvenile rats model of anorexia, choose Erbao Granules (EBG) as a presentation, through immunohistochemistry, fluorescent and ultraviolet prismatic methods, menstruates the quantity of SP, VIP, SS, 5-HT, NO. Analyze the variation and meaning in these hormones before and after the treatment.Results:Ⅰ. Promoting digestion and appetite is the most important rule in TCM therapy for anorexia. It involved the cooperation of supplementing Qi and strengthening spleen, promoting digestion and appetite, regulating Qi and removing dampness. Herbs mostly used are Baizhu, Shanzha, Maiya and Jineijin.Ⅱ. In the model of anorexia, SP, 5-HT, VIP and NO decreased in different degree; SS increased. After the treatment, VIP, SP, NO and 5-HT increased, while the expression of SS decreased. Collectively, the hormones went balance.Conclusion: The main rule in treating anorexia is promoting digestion and appetite, EBG can be used as a presentation, it can improve motility in stomach and intestines, promote digestion, and enhance the appetite in anorexia through adjusting the secretion of the hormones in digestive system.
Keywords/Search Tags:Anorexia, Clinical Literature, Promoting Digestion and Appetite, Erbao Granules, Hormone in Digestive System
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