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Accession To The Wto Hospital Management Strategies

Posted on:2003-03-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J H HanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2204360065456035Subject:Management Science and Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Purpose:After the admission into the WTO,oversea institutions or persons will come to our country to start hospitals. At that tune,both the structural system and the personnel's quality will extremely be unable to adapt. Quite a lot of outstanding talent will run off. This article is written with a purport to discuss the countermeasures for hospital to take after the admission into the WTO.Way:It is necessary to collect the first-hand information by way of investigation,spot exploration and finding out the real situation ;to sound the advanced experiences of management in foreign hospitals;and to put forward the strategy and countermeasures based on our practice by way of comprehensive analysis.Result:If we want hospitals to adapt the market economy and take part hi the int'l eompetition,it is necessary for the government to transform its functions,let the hospitals obtain the independence in management to full account,bring into effect the creative strategy and structural reform,administer the overall management and bring about the uninterrupted development of hospitals.Conclusion:There are not a few problems that must be solved urgently:insufficient fund,weak management,heavy burden and serious run-off of talent and so on. The government must transform its function and means in its management. It is necessary for all hospitals to innovate,to transform their management system and conception. The reform of the structural system of service must be a key point.The reform of the structural system of management should be a guarantee. The traditional personnel management must be transformed into the management of human resources.To try out the system of human affair agency;to establish a systematic training system. In a word,it is extremely possible for our hospitals to develop further only on condition that hospitals carry out the reform of the structural system,set up the new-type mechanism of human resources development and bring into effect a wholly new strategy.
Keywords/Search Tags:WTO, hospital management, countermeasures
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