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Health Effects Of Rare Earth Exposure In Children

Posted on:2002-08-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G Q FanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2204360032955739Subject:Pathogen Biology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Rare earth elements (REEs) consist of Lanthanide series which atomic number range from 57to71 and Scandium (atomic iitim her 21) & Yttrium (atomic number 39). there are 17 REEs : lanthanum, cerium,1)raseOdyrniul[fl, neodymium, promethium, samarium, CLI ~Ol)i ii m, gadoli fl iii In, tcrbiui ni, dysp rosi u iii, holm iii iii, erbium, thulium, ytterbium, lutetium, scaiidium, afl(l yttrium. They usually generate with oxide or oxysalt sl)ccies,aIld gaiflc(1 their names for rare natural reso u rces.There arc abuiidant rare earth resources in China. Our country抯 i-are earth reserve ranks the first in the world, which are wildly (Iistribute(l in 18 provinces. For lately 20 years, thanks to REEs specific structure and l)eI~)r1I1ancC, they have been increasingly used in industry and agrict.tlture as well as in our daily life. When REES enter into environment and food cycle, more and more PCoI)lC begin to contact them in more or less conSiStency. We must face the health problem of the accu m uila lion of RE Es in (he human body. The research of REEs toxicology has gone deep into the level of?subcellularity. It was found in the experiment on animal that REEs is apparently a kind of hepatotoxin, may interfere with metabolism of sugar, fat, protein and.4nucleic acid even pliarmacon; It is the factor of excitenient梥hrinkame coupling in muscular system andexcitation梥ecretion uncoupling in neural梩ncretion system; It can restrain the activities of several cruor factors, prolonging the process of blood coagulation; It call also restrain the release amid intake of the neural?transmission sLlbstance. Through the experiment on animal, we also found that the ingestion quantity of REVs via the stomach and intestines in young animals is higher than that in adult animal. While the effect of using Ca?)Tl~A to promote the (liscIlarge of the REVs from the body of young animals is not so good, whicli showing that the young animals may be the sensitive Poll Lila tiOfl of R L Es toxiCoSiS. Apart from some rcpo rts oii the over intake of REVs amid their endangering the health in thc professional ~)opulation who often contact REVs, there have been tio open rcl)orts about the over intake oI RE Es an(l their eiI(laulgering the health in the ordinary people, esl)eciahly in cli ild rcru so far. In order to find otmt the relationship between the content of REVs and the health condition in the children, the setisitive population, we conducted a study oii the relation hetweeii CX~0S~ re to REEs and health effect in children aged 7-10 years old in the rare earth area and comitrol a rca. So we can study deeper into the 1)roblelfl of the RE Es-health-effect, and offer the scientific basishLit~z..forworkingoutasetofenvironment梥anitationcriterion and a secure appraisal to exploit rare earth.Our research consists of the following two parts:Pa rl One: The level of the intake of rare ea rtli eleiiiciits iii the body of childrenThe REEs in the stlrroLliidiIlgs can accumulate by means of air or farm plants and animals; at last them may 1)e absorbed into the blood in the human body th rough the food, a rid then them go irtlo each .hematic tissue and organs. The quantity ol REEs in the blood is very important to REEs re梔istribution in the body. Could the q LI~1 ntity of RitEs in the blood be sceIlie(l as the incas ~ire mate na I oft lie liv i rig beings?in the research, we chose 69 and 43 children aged 710 years 01(1 resl)ectivCly from 472 in the rare earth area arid the control a rca, their q uantity of REEs in the blood were cletcrn itied by 111(1 uctivcly coupled plasma?5OL1VCC mass si)ectrometry (1CP桰VIS). The result indicates that the quantity of blood REEs of the children in the rare earth area (2.10 ?0.88n gig) is 1.73 times as that of the children in the control area (1.26 ?I .35iig/g).The difference is significantly great (P<0.() 1). At the same time we regressively multi-analyzed the factors that could affect the quantity of blood REEs ~)rogressively. A...
Keywords/Search Tags:Exposure
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