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Primary Osteoporosis Tcm Syndrome

Posted on:2002-05-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X G YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2204360032952027Subject:Orthopedics scientific
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The primary osteoorosis (OP), which includes thepostrienopausal osteoporosis and the senile oSteoporosis, is asystendc disease, and a conunon disease of the eldly. OP isa bone disease of the whoIe body which includes majorcharacter of lower bone arnount and degrating microcosmicstrUctUre of bone, and includes major clinical manifestation oflower backpain, abnormal, fractUre and obstacle of therespiratory syStCm. It's very dangerous because of its highrisk of fracwt. OP is called "bone paralysis" in traditionalChinese medicine(TCM). In the vieWPoint of TCM, kidneydeficiency is the major reason of bone paralysis.1b stUdy the TCM tyPe of OP patient and relationbetween the TCM type and bone mineral density(BMD), anddiffer OP patient to oldaged person withOut OP in TCMtyPe, We surveyed tWo group crowd. OP was evaluatedbetween generally diagnosis technique and diagnoses standard ofTCM tyPe, and was analyzed of data in science statistiacalway. The results showed the kidney deficiency, including Yangdeficiency of kidney, nn deficiency of kidney and deficiencyof liver and kidney, is the major TCM type of OR Therewas no notable differenGe betwCen OP paticllt and old-agedperson without OP But the OP patient who united bloodstasis in TCM tyPe is more than the old-aged person withoutOP. Also there is higher rate patent with Yang deficiency of5kidney in the research form than the normai contrast form.There is siedcan difference betwen the tWo grOuP. Themean value of BMD of male person from lop to little isMn deficiency of kidney, Ung deficiency of liver and kidneyand Yang deficiency of kidriey Bul it is fing deficiency ofliver and kidney, Yan deficiency of kidney, Yang deficiencyof spleen and Yin deficiency of kidney in TCM tyPe offemale person. ConclutiOn: TCM tyPe of the Primaryosteoporosis is Yang deficiency of kidney, Ying deficiency ofliver and kidney, Yin deficiency of lddney and Yangdeficiency of spleen.
Keywords/Search Tags:Osteoporosis, TCM therapy, TCM type
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