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The Acupuncture Treatment Of Postmenopausal Osteoporosis In Clinical Research

Posted on:2002-12-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y R YueFull Text:PDF
GTID:2204360032452051Subject:Acupuncture and Massage
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Postmenopausal osteoporosis (P!vtO) is one of the commonest old disease. It mainly due to the deficiency of estrogen after menopause. PMO is a whole body?s hone-disease characterized by low bone mineral density and microstructure decline of bone tissue, leading to increase the bone-fragility and the danger of fracture. According to incomplete statistics, at present, there are 84,000,000 patients of osteoporosis (including bone loss-patients) in our country. The number amount to six point six percent of the total population. Calculate in advance until 2050 years, the number will increase to 21 2,000,000,account to thirteen point two percent of the total population. Such a huge potential crowd suffering from PMO is threatening families and the society.PMO is one kind of many factors?disease. It is closely related with heredity, nutrition, motion, habits and customs, etc. However, the main reason is functional decline of ovary that result in deficiency of estrogen, which affect the l.osing rate of bone directly. The detailed mechanism of PMO is not expounded completely.The name of PMO is not recorded in ancient books. However, according to the clinical symptom and the mechanism of PMO, this disease is similar with "Gubi""Guwei""Guji"in traditional Chinese medition. Kidney deficiency is the main reason of PMO. Kidney and many other iorgans, such asspleen and stomach are closely related with PMO. The nature of PMO is asthenia accompanied with stbenia. This disease is caused by kidney deficiency leading to the exhaustion of yin-essence and exhaustion of the bone and marrowThe study is based on the theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Tirty-one patients suffering PMO were observed after bone scanning with DEXA, white being treated with acupuncture for three months. There was a corresponding control group of twenty-nine patients watched with oestrogen. This research covers the effectiveness and functional mechanism of acupuncture through analyses of clinical symptoms, bone mineral densities and indexes related to bone metabolism. The results indicate:l.Acupuncture could improve the clinical symptoms rapidly. The two groups take improvements include the alleviation of clinical symptoms due to PMO and kidney deficiency and pain of bone. Acupuncture group improved more rapidly than estrogen group. On one hand, through supplying kidney acupuncture could produce essence of life and marrow, which nourish skeleton. On the other band, acupuncture has functions of activating vital energy and blood circulation and dredging the meridian passage. These functions can relieve the symptom of pain rapidly.2.The two groups have the same tendency on improving many kinds of target of bone-supersession. However, the improvements have no difference between the two groups. Therefore, this point out acupuncture has effect of similar estrogen. Acupuncture may be can recover disorderly function oflower cerebral ganglion梙ypothesis棗glands (thyroidgland, adrenalgland, sex gland, etc.) and the system of autonomic nerve and immune function, thus achieve the effect of correcting imbalance of estrogen and calcium. It shows the fact that acupuncture cannot only restrain the absorption of bone but also promote the formation of bone.3.Acupuncture is restricted by limitation of physiological adjustion. It adjusts bodys physiological balance only in the range of physiological functions, which cannot be exceeded.This study provide basis for next step to research acupuncture preventing and treating PMO.
Keywords/Search Tags:Acupuncture, Postmenopausal osteoporosis, Bone mineral density
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