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Heat Syndromes, Hot Syndrome Compared In The Aspects Of Energy Metabolism Research

Posted on:2001-10-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y M LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2204360002451120Subject:Diagnostics of Chinese Medicine
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Heat syndrome is an important condition in pathologic conditions in accordance with the eight principal syndromes of TCM, the study of heat syndrome has involved neurology, endocrinology, metabolology, pathology, and so on. Heat of excess type and fever of deficiency type both are usual syndromes, both basic manifestations are same. "Heat" appearance is their protruding charicteristics, but their cause of disease and degree of heat appearance are different. We studied difference and relation of heat of excess type and fever of deficiency type from energy metabolism of organism, grasped the nature of heat syndrome through several observation indexes in order to set up objective and normal symptomatic diagnotic standard,in order to offer scientific basis for clinical differentiation of syndromes and treatment of heat syndrome.This article reviews ancient document of TCM and modem medical data of heat syndrome. The ancients had known cause of disease, pathogenesis, syndrome, principles of treatment formula and decoction. Modern doctors have made much research about objective diagnotics of heat syndrome through animal test study and clinical case observation.We made "heat of excess type "and "fever of deficiency type" model with qi-tonics and warm-heat medicines in nature perfusing white rat, treated them with heat-clearing and detoxifying drug, y in-nourishing and heat-clearing drug, which took shape of therapeutic models, established normal group and observed several indexes.1. Sod inn pump activity in erythrocyte membrane The sodium pump activity in rat between heat of excess type andfever of deficiency type and therapeutic type was tested by kit of sodium pump activity of blood cytolysate membrane. Results show sodium pump activity increased significantly in heat of excess type in rat, as compared with those in normal rats and fever of deficiency type, but there isnt significant difference in fever of deficiency type and treated groups with comparison with normal rats. Experimental results indicate there was a difference of sodium pump activity in erythrocyte membrane in rat between heat of excess type and fever of deficiency type, and there was positive correlation tendency between heat of excess type and energy metabolism change of functional.2. Activity of mitochondria! succinic dehydrogenase in hypatocyteWe used spectrophotometric assay of mitochondria! succinic dehydrogenase of hypatocyte (SDH). Results show activity of SDK was higher in heat of excess type and fever of deficiency type than normal rats, but there isnt significant difference each other. After administration, activity of SDH decreased. Experimental results indicate the function of oxidative phosphorylation of hepatic mitochondrion in heat syndrome was excessive, activity of SDH rose, energy production of organism increased, and herbal treatment could favor the recovery of augmented respiration of mitochondria! hypatocyte.3. Hepatic ultrastructure Under transmission electron microscopy (TME), the results show the hepatic ultrastructure was obviously changed in fever of deficiency type, mitochondria was swelling and warping. Some mitochondria! cristea was sparsed, the mitochondria! matrix appeared more hypochromic than normal group, secondary lysosme increased, glycogen was obviously depleted. Butmitochondria was smaller in heat of excess type, its number increased, the mitochondrial matrix appeared deep, mitochondria! cristea disordered, some had tendency to fuse. Glycogen was depleted. But hepatic ultrastructure of two treatment groups was almost nearing normal group. Experimental results indicate the alteration of hepatic ultrastructure can be regarded as one of pathological bases of essence study between heat of excess type and fever of deficiency type. 4. Morphomctry of hepatic mitochondriaWe found that mitochondria was swelling in fever of deficiency type, its mitochondrial surface density, average surface area and average volume enlarged .number density and specific surface decreased. The number...
Keywords/Search Tags:heat of excess type, fever of deficiencytype, energy metabolism, cell
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