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Weichangning Ulcer Healing Quality Of The Role Of Experimental And Clinical Studies

Posted on:2001-02-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L Z YeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2204360002451111Subject:Chinese medical science
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The recurrence of Peptic Ulcer (PU) is a thorny problem in clinic work. And the solution of this problem is increasing interest among clinical doctors and research workers. Many factors can affect peptic ulcexal healing and recurrence, incluing the constant HP infection , the uncontroled attacking factors like gastric acid, medical drugs , or the decrease in protection factors such as deterioration of blood supply, decline in cell-pretection agent and other growth factors. Current researches put forward a new concept of Quality Of Ulccral Healing (QOUH) , pointing Out the close relationship between ulceral recurrence and QOUH The concept of QOUH is composed of three parts of contents , namely morphological maturity degree of regenerating mucosa under endoscopy , histological maturity of regenerating mucosa, functional maturity degree of regeneraiing mucosa, which widely evaluates the maturity degree of Ulceral healing and consequently provides a new reference in the asessment of Chinese Medicine clinical result. The diagnosis and differentiation of Peptic Ulcer in Traditional Chinese Medicine is deiflned as tomach pain?(Wei Wan Tong). It is commonly acknoledged in TCM that the onset and relapse of peptic ulcer is associated with the attack of six climatic evils, disorder of emotions, meridian and collateral obstruction by excess as well as evil invasion due to deficiency And rnordon researchers more likely intend to accept the idea that this is a chronic and prolonged condition caused by primitive Spleen Qi deficiency and secondary stagnated stomach lIre along with blood stasis in channels In the IreaUnent of peptic ulcer, how to promote the QOUH has become a key point in improving results and preventing recurrence. As is known, Chinese Medicine plays an important part in killing and inhibiting HP, clearing heat and undistutting stomach, regulating liver qi , removing blood stasis ,and enforcing spleen qi It is likely to see Chinese Medicine can take great advantage over the adjustment of stomach抯 internal enviroment ,and the improvement of ulceral healing and promotion in healing quality To investigate and identify the act of Chinese Medicine on the above aspects is right the question we put in this research. in this research , a patent called ei Chang Niug~?(stomach and intestine calming ),possessing the nature of heat-clearing, stomach-calming and blood-moving ,aiong 3 with flesh-generating and pain-killing, is selected as observation drug in contmst to a control medicine of Ranitidine Animal experiment and clinical investigation were seperately undertaken to rate the histological and endoscopic morphological maturity degree. 1. Animal experiment A model of acetic acid chronic gastric ulcer on rat was obtained by inducing ulceration on the gastric serons coat of rats. A treatment was carried out after that surgery among treated group , control group and blank group , which were respectively fed with 揥ei Cluing Ning~? Ranitidine and normal saline.After 14 days of treatment, half number of rats in each group were killed by being taken stomach from, and the stomach samples were slided and measured on indicators of histological regenerating mucosa of maturity degree. The rest alive were all followed up by a large dorsage of predinisone treatment after an interval of regulation to induce redamage of the gastric ulcer. Results showed , before the redamage , regenerating mucosal width, mucosal muscular defect width and...
Keywords/Search Tags:Wei chang ning @, Ouality of lIlceral healing, histology, endoscopy Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
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