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On The Humanistic Value Orientation Of Government In Public Policy In Urban Construction

Posted on:2009-09-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D G YanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2199360272956008Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Urban construction is a hot topic in the current economic and social development, as well as a major concern of both government and the common people.With the ongoing progress in city civilization,urban construction is no longer a purely technical engineering in its simple sense,but rather a complicated systematic engineering with richer connotations covering political,economic and cultural sectors etc.As a result of this unique 'comprehensiveness',urban construction as a typical 'public affair' is becoming an important part of public management of the government.The government holds different value preferences in urban construction decisions due to political,economic and cultural factors etc.Consequently the government's public decisions in urban construction are presenting diversified value preferences.This paper made a comparison and analysis of the diversified value preferences of the government decisions in urban construction and arrived at the conclusion that the government should focus on humanity care in urban construction decisions,stick to people-oriented principle in the implementation of various decisions,showing adequate respect for humanity value and its representations in decision-making,decision implementation and the whole process of urban construction.Based on contrastive analysis theory,this paper made a thorough anatomical analysis of the 'eager for quick success and instant benefit' anti-scientific tendency exhibited by the government in the current urbanization process,proposed the concept of humanity value-orientation and suggested that government decision in urban construction be based on humanity value orientation.Employing both empirical and case analysis research methods,this paper pointed out the pathway to realize humanity value orientation in urban construction from the following five aspects:Firstly.Advocating humanity planning,taking urban planning as an important public decision and fully reflecting the concept of personalized design.Secondly,pointing out the significance of building ecological civilization and focusing on the concerns of the common people by protecting,harnessing and improving the urban environment.Thirdly,expatiating the urban construction direction in providing public products and services in terms of efficiency,equity and security of urban construction.Fourthly,protecting and carrying forward traditional culture heritage,shaping urban characteristics,nurturing urban spirits are the core of caring people,cultivating people and shaping people's mind.Fifthly, improving urban management and building healthy urban order are the important measures of showing humanity care.Finally,this paper,from the prospective of setting up policy guarantee mechanism for establishing humanity value preferences,put out the following three aspects to ensure the humanity orientation of government decisions in urban construction:to establish people-oriented ethical philosophy;to establish healthy and scientific decision-making system;to establish completely assessment system of urban construction.
Keywords/Search Tags:Urban Construction, Government Decisions, Humanity Value
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