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Hangzhou Sea Container Transport Development Studies

Posted on:2007-09-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G H KuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2199360212955715Subject:Technical Economics and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In this dissertation waterway container transport in Hangzhou is reaserched in order to recommend to the authorities the best one of its feasible development projects and policies to speed its development, and provide an example of reaserching development of waterway container transport for others.In this dissertation its history is studied and devided into two parties: the first one is named as Pujia phase and the second one Sanliyang phase. Its status and characteristics at present are analyzed. Five problems, such as the absence of container terminals, the low grades of its sea-routes, the imbecility of canvassing for cargo, the small ships without scale-economy and the high traffic cost, are pointed out. As far as the optimization of synthetic transport system, the construction of Shanghai international ship center, the development of regional economy, the intensification of trade and economic relations with other countries, and the foundation of homonious society are concerned, it is necessary for Hangzhou city to develop waterway container transport.In this dissertation its macroscopical environment, including political, economic, social environment and economic location, is analyzed. Port's five-power model is used to analyze its market environment. According to its strength, weakness, opportunities and threats, Hangzhou should make full use of good political, economic and social environment, endeavor to train persons related with logistics, widely raise money, improve waterway transport infrastructure, expand ship capacity, enhance ability to canvass for cargo, raise service level, bring the low cost of warterway transport and the strategic location of Hangzhou into play, focus on the devlopment of inland waterway international container transport within medium term and then on that of circumlittoral international container transport, and make waterway to carry major container cargo from or to Hangzhou.After all types of generating model of waterway containers are induced, twonew concepts-normal container and generated container-are put forward,and then major factors influencing the volume of normal container and generated container are listed. The volume of normal container, that of generated container, that of waterway container transport, normal waterway container traffic, diverted waterway container traffic and generated waterway container traffic are precisely and reliably forecasted one after another. During the course of forecast, the...
Keywords/Search Tags:Container, Waterway, Transport, Hangzhou
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