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Shandong Provincial Tourism Development Of Electronic Commerce Research

Posted on:2012-06-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2199330335958464Subject:Human Geography
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Tourism resources in Shandong province are very rich. It is one of the best provinces in our country tourism development. Tourism is the pillar industry in the entire province tertiary industry, which is developing rapidly in the era of the information economy. Tourism electronic commerce is specific industry application as e-commerce, which is an important development tool of the tourism industry, and is also an important means to enhance the competitiveness of tourism industry. It is not only a significant opportunity, but also a serious challenge in Shandong Province tourism.Tourism related departments of Shandong Province have recognized the development of tourism e-commerce to play an important role in promoting the development of tourism, and has adopted some active measures to deal with it. Some Companies associated with the travel have begun to use electronic commerce deal with internal and external business. But there are also many tourism enterprises to fall behind in the tourism e-commerce development trend. For opportunities and challenges associate with the tourism electronic commerce, Shandong province tourism departments and tourism related enterprises performance and how to deal with them. Therefore, we study these questions to have the important theory and the practical significance.This article is divided into six parts to conduct the concrete research and analysis. The first part is the introduction, from the research background and significance, domestic and international tourism electronic commerce research progress, research objectives and contents and methods several aspects are discussed. The second part introduces tourism electronic commerce related theory. From the value chain theory, transaction cost theory, marginal revenue increases theory analyzes tourism electronic commerce research theory foundation. At the same time, the concept of tourism electronic commerce, tourism electronic commerce function and mode are also researched and analyzed. The third part introduces tourism electronic commerce effect and development conditions, and studies the driving force of the Shandong tourism industry development. The fourth part introduces Shandong tourism electronic commerce development present situation and the existing problems, Such as:Shandong tourism development situation, tourism e-commerce websites investigation and analysis, tourism enterprises develop tourism electronic commerce plight and so on. The fifth part puts forward to promote tourism electronic commerce development strategies and measures of Shandong government departments and tourism enterprises. The sixth is epilogue, which not only sums up the main research results and conclusions, but also points out the problems and further research work.
Keywords/Search Tags:tour, tourism electronic commerce, development strategy, Shandong Province
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