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China's Urban-rural Income Gap Is Too Large Study

Posted on:2012-12-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J H FengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2199330335466622Subject:National Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, income distribution has been a hot topic of two sessions per year. Widening income gap caused widespread concern. In particular, the income gap between urban and rural residents is an important part of the income gap in society. In this paper, which is based on theory of dual economy development ,human capital and Simon Kuznets "inverted U theory ",it is used the integrated method of quantitative analysis, system - structural analysis, micro analysis and macro analysis and so on. The author makes a systematic analysis of the history and present situation of the income gap between urban and rural residents. Countermeasures of narrowing income gap between urban and rural residents are put forward at the end of the paper.The paper is made up of the introduction and four parts. The introduction briefly describes the background and significance of selecting the title, and highlights related theory and criteria of income gap. Furthermore, it also roughly summarizes the research ideas, methods, and basic point of view.Partâ… : Historical review and analysis of income gap between urban and rural residents. Time of the historical part is made between the early founding and the reform and opening up. Based on data over the years,the author focuses on analysis of current situation and uses the two indicators of Gini coefficient and gap coefficient of urban-rural income to calculate and draw the relevant graph, which reveals that urban-rural income gap is too wide in recent years, but also in-depthly analyzes the reasons for fluctuations of four different historical stages of in the income gap.Partâ…¡: Too wide urban-rural income gap makes an impact on society in our county. Too wide urban-rural income gap makes negative impact on the healthy development of economy and society, which is described from the angle of activation of the rural consumption market and the growth of domestic, economic sustainable development, optimization and upgrading of industrial structure, social stability and deepening the reform, urban and rural development and construction of six-round well-off society,which is in part to illustrate urgency and importance of addressing this issue.Partâ…¢: The reasons for urban-rural income gap that is too large. The current urban-rural income gap that is too large is explored in depth ,which is illustrated from the historical existence of system and policy inertia, different characteristics of industry and agriculture, lack of state financial investment in agriculture, differen allocation of public resources between urban and rural areas and non-equilibrium of promote Urban and rural economic system reform.Partâ…£: Countermeasures of narrowing the income gap between urban and rural residents. Measures of narrowing income gap between urban and rural must be around the center of raising farmer income. Under the general idea of accelerating the transfer of rural surplus labor in the process of urbanization and increasing government support for agriculture,measures of gradually narrowing income gap between urban and rural are proposed in five areas that is both breaking the urban-rural dual structure and propeling urbanization, accelerating agricultural restructuring and rural economic development, establishment of agricultural support and protection system, furtherly improving the rural social security system and balancing public resources between urban and rural areas.
Keywords/Search Tags:urban-rural income gap, status, influence, system, policy
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