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Applicability Of Third-party Mechanism In Programming

Posted on:2011-06-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2199330332982765Subject:Technical Economics and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
It is thought to be a long story about the birth and development of the thought of programming/briefing. Japan started the research on programming from the Meiji Period with Rabbit Three Nishiyama publishing"建筑策'の方法论'(Architectural programming methodology) in 1941, which declared a new era of researching on the programming. US is a nice repetitive in the respective of the developing of programming on continuous and periodic. In 1959, William Pena pubished his article "Building Analysis:start of a good design" on Architectural Record, which is known the bud of the research on programming in US. After 1980s, Robert Hershberger as a repetitive of the second generation of research scholar pushed that forward. The application of programming became maturity in 1990s. Then many researchers believed the architecture or designer should do the programming against the view of William Pena, which believed some specialist finishing the programming is more suitable.Compared with foreign, the beginning of theory research on programming/ briefing is carried out latter in our country. In 1992, Zhuang Weimin defined the programming himself in his article"建筑策'方法论——设计方法学的探讨"(Architectural programming methodology—exploring of the design methodology), which is known to be the first time home. However, the researches after that were almost in the path of referencing and learning to foreign.This theme is aim to fill the blank of research on the programming mechanism and try to give some constructive and instructive proposals. Through a lot of reading and a certain amount of survey, it is found that there is few research results on the third party—the independent programmer, which gives a inspiration and provides an entry point for me.The main research method of the theme could be summarized as "integration of economics theory and management views with combining of theoretical investigation and empirical research". Email and oral visit become the two main paths to the resources for the empirical research. In the first chapter, the meaning and value of the theme, the research status, context, research scale and the hypothesis tree are introduced. In the second chapter, the definition, basic functions, main characters, development history, the basic frameworks, commonly used methods and models of programming/briefing are combed. In the third chapter, I give a brief introduction to the basic definition and the connotation of mechanism. In the forth chapter, a compilation between third-party mechanism and architecture-lead mode is given under simple value system and complex one from the angle of the nature of the work, knowledge background, evaluation mechanism, the efficiency and effect of programming. In the fifth chapter, a similar comparation is made between third-party mechanism and client-own-team mode in high degree heterogeneity project and low degree one from the angle of private information protection, transaction cost and total cost. In the sixth chapter, a forecasting and several suggestions are mentioned. In the last chapter, conclusion of the theme is summarized and reaffirmed.The conclusion of this theme is that third-party mechanism is suitable to the project which has a complex value system and high degree heterogeneity, which is based on its sub-arguments and sub-sub-arguments are demonstrated.The innovation of the theme is that several management and economics theories and models are used to analysis and resolve one management issue. Deficiencies of the theme are that the research is limited as the application of theory and practice is not perfect and only through the exchange with foreign well-known scholars is not enough, the empirical research of universality and comprehensive remains to be improved.
Keywords/Search Tags:programming, third-party-mechanism, cost analysis, institutional economics
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