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Study On The Algorithms In An Image Processing System Based On Nam

Posted on:2011-11-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L F WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2198330338986004Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the concept of packing problem, the Non-symmetry and Anti-packing pattern representation Model(NAM) uses a set of sub-patterns to represent an originalPattern.NAM image processing system has established an image processing algorithm program development specifications, comply with the standards developed by a very good image processing algorithms can be shared between the research personnels. Using it, researchers can: Using the platform provided the basis for computing algorithm for rapid development of new image algorithms; use of the platform, graphical man-machine interaction interface and platform to provide components of a variety of algorithms to build a complex image processing system; monitoring algorithm for computing the process, control algorithm for computing situation; the results of computing were analyzed to form the report. Because the system is an open, component-based development platform image algorithms, can be continuously enriched by developing its platform plug-image algorithm.Gray-scale image is a certain amount of study space in the historical process in image processing. In particular, the prominent features of the image design and image enhancement, the gray-scale image processing is more important, such as eliminating irrelevant background, to eliminate noise, increase contrast and so on. This article is a gray-scale transformation and smoothing algorithms both conducted in-depth research and developed a NAM image processing system corresponding algorithm plug-in.Discussed the NAM image processing system and a specific approach to redevelopment, mostly gray-scale image of the algorithms for: Anti-color transform, the window gray transformation, gray broken line transformation, mean filtering, isolated pixel elimination .
Keywords/Search Tags:NAM, Image Processing, Algorithm Designing, Prominent Feature, Image Inhancement
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