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Junior High School Students' Features, Causes And Problem Education Strategy

Posted on:2011-02-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H R ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2197330335483254Subject:Education Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the summary of the economic tide, hit by the smoke, Wen Tao, and the concept of health, the concept of value to the Secretary for Health and the change.. Nam and the people are impetuous in general. In the past and present strong contrast, the People's ideological concepts are being reorganized. This restructuring not only in the adult, but also to the WTO not diffraction, outlook on life, is not ripe for junior secondary students. If this kind of ideological concepts, reorganization of the greater impact on young people. Their loss, find themselves, and find no way forward, and no goals and seek to pursue its defeat in the spirit of the birth of the "problem students" seeds are planted. "A large number of students," "diversification" issue has become a "problem students" the most prominent feature. Therefore, the study on "problem students" unusual significance.In the paper, I have the concept of "problem students". From its contents and outreach two terms of what is "problem students", and the classification. "The learning of students," "acts of students," "psychological problem students" in the next, I discussed the three "problem students". "Students" learning to learn that there is a great obstacles to the students. They are not interested in learning, fed learning, school attendance, attention is not serious, focused on lessons from the completion of the operation, with poor academic results. "Students" refers to acts of those children in the same age, there are great deviation of the students. They often contradict late, teachers, students, bully lie, smoking, assembled, fighting left their homes, and so on. "psychological problem students" refers to those who do not sound mind psychological errors, the children. They have not withdrawn, within the group, character, compared with the poor communication and exchanges. Even the tendency of violence, the disabled. The social, education, family, school students in their own personal search for the three "problem students" The causes, to explore the root causes of the students "breeding environment; in the paper, the last part of the three" problem students "put forward a number of relevant education strategy. "I" Learning to students from raise the quality of the rich and colorful opened the second class; changing perspective, a friend in parents and their children, the development of the school, straighten out their parents, change tutor; improving teachers' moral quality and professional knowledge of the angle of the education policy, "to" acts of students, I suggest that the reduction of unhealthy culture; evaluation pluralism and diversity issues; with love to probation, and to develop students' own education capacity; strengthen psychological counseling improve education, and create a democratic atmosphere on the perspective. The "psychological problem students", I object about education and prevention; grasp education opportunity to find a correct entry point, with the same age group, to work together to form an education; for family education, guide individual proper emotional outlet for transforming the point of view.The problem of students and the existence of the education and research and practice will become more open, at least the angle of view. The physical and mental development of individual State interaction between the individual and the environment. students face the problem of immediate concern is not the isolation of the individual, but an environment of the individual, and the individual to behind the environment or a certain kind of environment linkages. The political, economic, cultural background, the individual, family status, living conditions, social groups around the individual and public opinion, to the psychological and individual deeds and words, should be concerned. A "harmonious" ecological culture, education, practice rational perspective as well as specific methodology, it is necessary for the transformation of students. In contrast, students of the transformation process, and it is the whole family, school education and social forces, to create a broader education environment.
Keywords/Search Tags:junior high school students with problems and features causes, the education policy
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