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Illustration-interpretation And Digital Deduction In Painted Pottery Patterns And Hieroglyphics

Posted on:2011-05-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Y LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2195360308982395Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper mainly includes three parts, First, through detailed interpretation in painted pottery patterns and hieroglyphics, this paper discusses their similarity in shape and structure of law; Second, the significance that painted pottery patterns and hieroglyphics play on animation; Third, digital deduction in painted pottery patterns and hieroglyphs, which is regarded as the innovative conclusion by the writer.In the second and third chapters, this paper expounds in details the historical development status of painted pottery patterns and hieroglyphics, impact that pottery patterns impose on future-generations craft patterns designs and Chinese culture. Furthermore, it illustrates the historical development of world's writing; in particular excavation and research situation of Oracle, the early Chinese hieroglyphs, are introduced in this paper, and basically explain the relationship between Chinese calligraphy and design patterns.Chapter IV is one of the key chapters, which presents a specific description of painted pottery patterns'relationship with Oracle; from plastic arts point of view, this paper, through the comparison of a large number of similar samples of painted pottery patterns and hieroglyphics, analyzes aspects from modeling methods to structure, to laws and aesthetic characteristics, and then explores the intrinsic link between the two, in the end makes a final summary on the hieroglyphs of coinage methods.In Chapter V significance of pottery patterns and hieroglyphics to animation is the core focus of this paper. Painted pottery patterns and hieroglyphics are highly dynamic and narrative, and of comprehensiveness, deformation, exaggeration, as well as of time space transformation, which we are now applying in animation art, were ever employed as early as a few thousand years ago, when the ancients used in the creation of pottery patterns and hieroglyphics. Still when these modeling techniques show up in dynamic ways, all these have been then converted into animation creation skill.By in-depth interpretation in painted pottery patterns and hieroglyphics, the author intends to reveal the historical development relations between the two aspects, and to explore a new growth opportunity through creation, practice, inheritance and then to spread traditional culture. In the dynamic deduction in hieroglyphs and painted pottery patterns, this paper is trying to restore its own reflected historical and social life and production status, like farming and fishing, hunting and sacrifice, revealing the ancestors'understanding and reflection of the world implicit in the shape.
Keywords/Search Tags:Painted Pottery Patterns, Hieroglyphs, Modeling Intercomparison, Dynamicity, Narrativity, Digital Deduction
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