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Experimental Study Of Middle And Hind Foot Motion After Subtalar Joint Arthrodesis

Posted on:2007-07-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J J ZhouFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Subtalar joint is the juncture between ankle joint and foot. It converts the strainfrom the lower limbs. It coordinate the motion between ankle joint and foot. Subtalararthrodesis has been used to treated for many dieases at present, such as calcanealfracture, arthritis of subtalar joint and posterior tibial tendon dysfunction, etc. But manyscholars found that the foot's motion was limited after subtalar arthrodesis. So it isnecessary to deeply study the biomechanics of the subtalar arthrodesis.To investigate the properties of middle and hind foot (including CalcaneocuboidJoint, Talonavicular Joint and Ankle Joint) motion and its' changes after subtalar jointarthrodesis. 12 fresh frozen adult leg-foot specimens were mounted in a coordinatedsystem, a Steinmann pin was perforated across the calcaneus, cuboideum, talus,naviculare as markers. The displacements of the marked points in the coordinatedsystem were recorded when subtalar joint was fixed respectively. Through matrixtranslation and Euler equation, the angle of the calcaneus, cuboideum, talus, navicularerotation were calculated, representing the motion of the calcaneocuboid joint,talonavicular joint and ankle joint in different condition, statistical analysis were alsotaken between different conditions. Three dimensional (3-D) motion was observed inmiddle and hind foot motion. Arthrodesis of subtalar joint would affect the middle andhind foot motion significantly. The affection of the range of the motion incalcaneocuboid joint, talonavicular joint and foot after subtalar joint arthrodesis wasanalysed by statistics. The motions of calcaneocuboid joint, talonavicular joint andankle joint was portly limited after subtalar joint arthrodesis. But the calcaneocuboidand talonavicular joint's motions were mainly taken active.There is the most theory and practice directive function for clinic by this study. Interms of theory, it has contributed to understand the relationship between the subtalararthrodesis and foot and calcaneocuboid joint and talonavicular joint. In terms ofpractice, it offers evaluation of operative treatment and curative effect.
Keywords/Search Tags:subtalar joint, arthrodesis, foot, motion, articular
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