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Research On The Use Of Traditional Chinese Medicine Services By Residents In Poor Rural Areas

Posted on:2010-09-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2194330338488022Subject:Social Medicine and Health Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
SignificanceHealth care in rural areas is the focus of health system in China. It related to the protection of rural productive forces, the revitalization of the rural economy and building a moderately prosperous society of the overall situation. Health care of Traditional Chinese Medicine in rural areas is important in whole work. In rural areas the success or failure of TCM causes significant and far-reaching impact. Developing TCM in poor rural areas helps farmers meet the demand for medical services; helps to carry forward the characteristics and advantages of TCM; contributes to the establishment in line with the "biological - psychological - social medicine model" of service delivery model; helps control the excessive growth of medical expenses; contributes to the promotion of reasonable treatment and medication; helps to increase medical and health of TCM in the contribution rate; contributes to further national and civil characteristics of technology, to improve clinical efficacy. Also the masses of TCM base and a unique service model is an important guarantee in the health services to meet the needs of the villagers.ObjectiveThe research can help understand the current status of using of TCM services in poor rural areas and to analyze the consumer behavior in medicine in the village, specifically the demand for TCM services in the poor rural areas, as well as the impact of the characteristics of the villagers demand for health services, so as to help the government in policy-making, optimizing resource and operation of health institutions.Methods1. Data ResourceWe Collected imformation from the Pub Med, Proquest, ISI Web of Science and other foreign search tools;the CNKI database, VIP, Wanfang data service platform and also through the Ministry of Health Web site, the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Health Statistical Yearbook Web site .June 2008, investigators went to Jiangxi Province and Henan Province, were selected Ruichang, Jiangxi and Xi County,Henan as a site investigation of interest location, home to conduct a questionnaire survey conducted at the same time organized a panel discussion.2. MethodsThis study using the framework of Andersen medical services behavioral models,from environmental factors, population characteristics, health behavior and health outcomes to analyze the four dimensions of the masses in impoverished rural areas the use of TCM services.In analysis of the dimensions of the various indicators, use the absolute numbers, rates as descriptive statistical analysis; in the analysis based on each dimension, also combine this dimension may have an impact on various indicators of other-dimensional factors to use t-test, variance analysis, chi-square test and other methods of single-factor analysis of the interaction.On factors affecting service, use Logistic regression model for analysis of statistical inference.In qualitative analysis, use literature analysis, grasp of the current research, as well as dynamic. In the empirical analysis described in the current people in rural areas, the use of Tcm services based on the normative analysis, combined with the status quo, put forward policy recommendations.Analysis of rural poverty-stricken areas in the development of TCM issues, use the SWOT analysis of TCM resources and deficiencies in understanding the opportunities and challenges facing, for the future development strategy.ConclusionThe study shows that TCM services in impoverished rural areas in China have good mass base.The poor rural areas services are also advantages in the field of medicine. Countries have also taken some poor rural areas of policy support the development of TCM, but in impoverished rural areas lack of personnel and technology in TCM health care services, at the same time the concept of the people need to be further improved.SuggestionIt is important to attach great importance to poor rural areas in the medical and health services, give full play to the characteristics of TCM to protect the poor rural areas the number of TCM practitioners and the level of security in impoverished rural areas of TCM services to medical institutions to provide the capacity of poor rural areas to explore effective TCM model of sustainable development. Strengthen the masses of the people to step up publicity and education, to consolidate the mass foundation to guide the health of its right to develop the concept of the concept of medical treatment.
Keywords/Search Tags:Poor, Rural Area, TCM, Status
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