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Research On The Correlativity Among Tcm Syndrome Hcy And Mau In The Primary Hypertension With Metabolic Disturbance

Posted on:2011-07-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Q ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2194330332468487Subject:Traditional Chinese Medicine
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objective:ThiS Project aims to explore the Changing rule andCorrelation between homocysteine and microalbuminuria in thetraditional Chinese medicinal dialectical type of Primary hyperten sionwith metaboliC di sturbance.and Proves that homocysteine andmicroalbUminuria can be Considered as reference index of traditionalChinese medicinal dialectiCal type of Primary hyperten sion withmetaboliC disturbance.which SUPPlY the thinking for traditionalChinese and western mediCine combining diagnoSiS and Prevention ofPrimary hyperten sion with metabo1iC disturbance and C0mplicationsMethod s:Select 1 00 Cases about Primary hypertension with 59 Cases and womenx cases 41.and differentiate intoexcess anger type.yin vacuity and Yang hype ractivity type.Phlegm wetexcessive-type.Yin and Yahg defiCiency Syndrome Normal Comparegroup iS 20 Cases.including men 11 Cases and women 9 Cases When itiS on the day of admiSSion.survey and evalUate Same-sex cysteine(HCY)(AutomatiC flUorescence Polarization immune survey andevaluation) and miCroalbuminuria (MAU)( immune turbidity);automatiC bioChemi stry analyzer surveY and eValUate,triglyC eride(TG)and high-den sity liPOProtein choleStero1(HDL-C)and Ch01e sterol(TC)and 1ow density lipoprotein(LDL-C)and So on;and measure bloodPressure,height,weight,abdomen circumference and CalCUlate BodyMass IndeXResults:1 TG,HDL-C,LDL-C,TC,SBP,DBP,BMl of PatientS with the Primaryhypertension with metabolic disturbance group iS riSing obvioulyComparing to the normal Control group (P<0 0 5)HDL-C is obviouslydecreasing Comparing to the normal contro1 group(p<O O 5)2 Same-sex blood homocysteine level of patients witll primaryhypertension with metabolic disturhance is significantly higher than normal Compare group(P<0.0 1),and the degree is excess anger type<yin vacuity and Yang hyperactivity type<Phlegm wet excessive-type<defiCiency of Yin and Yang type (P<0.0 5)3 Urinary albumin level of Patients with Primary hypertension withmetaboliC disturbance iS SignifiCantly higher than normal Comparegroup(P<0.0 1),and the degree is yin vacuity and Yang hyperactivitytype<excess anger type<Phlegm wet excess Sive-typ e<defiCiency ofYin and Yahg type(P<0.05)4 Hcy,MAU ofPatients with the Primary hypertension with metaboliCdisturbance group Present obVioUS linear correlationConclusions:1 C1iniCallY.TCM Syndrome type distribution of PatientS with thePrimary hypertension with metaboliC di turbance iS mainly Phlegm wetexcessive-type and Yin and Yahg defiCiencY SYndrome.excess angertype>Yin vacuity and Yang hyperactivity typ e>Phlegm wetexcessive-type>Yin and Yahg defiCiency Syndrome2 In the Patients with CliniCal Primary hypertension with metaboliCdisturbance.the level of b1ood homocY Steine evolveS to excess angertyPe.Yin Vacuity and Yang hyperactivity tyPe.Phlegm wetexcessiVe-type.Yin and Yahg defiCiencY Syndrome.MAU level eVolveSto Yin Vacuity and Yang hYPeractiVity type.eXCeSS anger type Phlegmwet eXCeSSiVe-type.Yin and Yahg defiCiencY Syndrome3 The test resuItS of blood homocY Steine (HCY)and urinary albumin(MAU)PoSSeSS guidance signifiCance on making Chine Se machinetyping of the Primary hyPerten sion with metaboliC di SturbanceobjectiVe and diSCriminate trearment...
Keywords/Search Tags:Primary hyPertension with metaboliC disturbance, Chinese mediCine style, Homosexual CYsteine, Urinary miCroalbuminuria
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