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Analysis Of Communication Pipeline And Cable Project Of Pinghu Materials Trading Mall

Posted on:2011-02-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N RenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2192330335960237Subject:Project management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Project analysis is an important part of the early stage of project management, occupies an important position in project management. project analysis determines whether the project exist and continue to develop, but also the basic prediction of the post-implementation results of investment, improved project analysis can provide an important and correct guidance and selection, project cost estimates and provide a theoretical basis, is to ensure construction is reasonable, smooth,normaldevelopment of the first link.In the early stage of the project,we must have a scientific, systematic and comprehensive analysis for Communication pipeline and cable project. When we conduct communication pipeline design, it is necessary to take into account the current cost, but also fully consider and analyze in detail the future demand for communication network as well as other projects, so the road can be avoided only after the completion of civil works repeatedly were broken open road managers and users to cause unnecessary trouble to ensure that road access to use and give full play to the functions, and can save unnecessary costs, save investment and create the best economic benefits.Pinghu materials trading mall located in Pinghu, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, Pinghu logistics park, operating in South China's widest range of industrial raw materials trading center, it plans to entire project in 5 years. after the project is fully completed, the total demand will reach 20 000, INTERNET network interface will reach 10,000. As the special features significant demand for telecom services, Shenzhen telecom attaches great importance to its business research, together with China Netcom Corporation was selected as raw materials trading Mall Park, Pinghu specified telecommunications service provider, Pinghu raw deal directly involved in the telecommunications Park Mall construction.In this paper, we will introduce the construction project of the pipeline, cable and IC public telephone in Pinghu materials trading malll. Also, we will introduce the principle and technique of network construction.
Keywords/Search Tags:Project of Pinghu pipeline and cable, analysis
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