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On The Cultural Changes In Pastoral Areas Of Eastern Inner Mongolia Since The Reform's Impact On The Ecological Environment

Posted on:2011-01-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S D E J HaFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Pastoral areas in Inner Mongolia last thirty years unprecedented changes have taken place. This thesis storied town of bao ri wu su bao ri dao bu on Day Road, the Soviet Union not to search for a case study Buga, and focused on the 30 years since reform and opening-eastern pastoral areas of Inner Mongolia, social and cultural change on the eastern pastoral areas in Inner Mongolia natural and cultural ecology. On the light of previous research results to field first-hand investigation, based on analysis of file data, analysis of reform since the reform, contracting, grazing policies and the market economy induced by pressure and other factors, eastern Inner Mongolia, pastoral economy Rapid changes in the form of pastoral grassland to devastating effect.This article from the introduction, body (the first chapter, Chapter II, III, IV), the conclusion of three parts.Introduction section aims to introduce topics of this article, research significance, relevant research results and research methods and so on.The first chapter is not to the Soviet Union on the town of Po geographical location, natural environment, the life in pastoral production.The second chapter describes the policy changes since the reform under the influence of social and cultural changes in pastoral areas.Chapter III describes the economic changes and market forms of economic conditions in pastoral areas of social and cultural change. Chapter IV describes the pastoral areas of natural, cultural, ecological changes.Conclusion summarizes the paper's basic argument, and pointed out that the policy induced changes in the economic form and the market economy under the pressure of the pastoral social and cultural changes led to grassland degradation, desertification, pastoral life, poverty, destroyed the pastoral nature, society, ecology balance. Inner Mongolia and the whole society will have far reaching implications.
Keywords/Search Tags:reform, cultural change in eastern pastoral areas of Inner Mongolia, ecology, impact
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