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The Youxian Coal Mine Environmental Issues And Countermeasures

Posted on:2008-12-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P TanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2191360215985676Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid grows of economy, the demand of resource ofmankind society's requirement of resource has became largerand larger, energetically discovering oral resource was thestrategic selection of these area where have many oral resource.Though the oral resource discovery has bring large economiceffectiveness, it also has brought tremendous destroy to themining area's environment, and the mining area have to facethe severe test .The act of discovering the oral resource inthe big scale or even discover it without any sequence has putforward a severe proposal to the mining area's environment,and in the same time they would destroy the mining area'senvironment which would impact the rate of economy developmentthen.How to protect the mining area's environment in the sametime of developing the economy has became the main problem inthe course of developing the economy. To develop mine economyto the real direction and to keep the problem of mineenvironment not to happen and extend, we must manage it in areal method. From the angle of economy, mine environment wasatypepublic product, and it has feature of no competition andno rejection. And to provide public product was theresponsibility of the government. The government participatein the protection of mine environment in a positive attitudewas the guarantee of mine environment protection and harness.In my opinion, under the guidance of new administrationconcept that persisted in scientific developmental standpoint,build harmonious society. Different responsible consciousnessof traditional GDP increase dominant type. Feasible increasethe sense of responsibility and the sense of mission that localgovernment devotes every effort to developing these types thatresource saving and environment friendly. According to the areaof mine economy dominant type, with devoting every effort to developing mine economy,we must strengthen environmentalprotection. It becomes the important task that the localgovernment to work. Therefore rational knowledge the necessityand importance of mine environment. Explicate the function Ifgovernment manage mine environment, define the government' srole position which is in mine environment protection.Graspthe way that the government to choose in the mine environmentalprotection, it become the first problem to be solve.
Keywords/Search Tags:Youxian, Huanglan coalfield, mine environmental problem, countermeasure analysis
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