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Acanthopanax Senticosus Population Ecology, Natural Secondary Forest Community

Posted on:1991-07-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R G ZangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Through investigation and experiment, the population ecology of Acanthopanax senticosus in natural secondary forest communities has been seriously studied in this thesis. The results show that A.sentieosus population is a developing population, which will develop with the developing succession of the secondary forests. The height structure and diameter structure of A.senticosus population relate with community environments and with its own age structure characteristics. The life table and fecundity schedule can well reflect the dynamic processes of the population. The survivorship cuerve of A. senticosus population belonges to the Deevey-Ⅲ type. Corresponding to life table and fecundity schedule of the population, the dynamic trend of reproductive value (V_X) of A. senticoaus is similar to that reflected in the life table. Based on the changing trends of K_X (killing power) and V_X ,the dynamic process of A sent-icosus population can be divided into three phases, that is the recruitment and competition period, comparatively stabie increasing and gradually aging period. It has been tentatively discussed to predict future dynamicprocessesof A. senticosus population with the Leslie Tiatrir model. The architecture characteristics of the population has also "been investigated. The results show the': the architectures of A. senticosus are indigenous copulation characteristics, which have been formed through long term evolutionary processes, "but are more or less affected by community environments. The distribution pattern of A. senticosus clones belonges to the segregated type. And that for ratnets in the clones has 13lso been discussed. A special investigation method has been designed. The seed ecology properties of the population relate with the stabilities of communities the population lodged in 3?he method for making the fecundity schedule of the population is different from that for ordinary plant populations. It has an important reference value for the study of similar clonal plant populations.
Keywords/Search Tags:Acanthopanax
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