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Guizhou Province Of Ecological Study Of Coal Industry

Posted on:2011-10-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F WenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360308970819Subject:Industrial Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Over the years, the development and utilization of coal resources to become residents of large areas of Guizhou and the means of production of the basic source of means of subsistence, social and economic development in the province has an important position and role. Open coal resources in Guizhou has a long history, but its production technology and management has lagged behind the country, coupled with the geographical complexity of the recovery rate of coal mining below the national average level of serious waste of resources and highly dangerous. In particular the implementation of the "West to East" project has been large-scale development of coal resources, hidden huge waste and serious pollution of the environment. Coal is a non-renewable resources, to rational development, effective use, implementation of protection policies. Proposed ecological coal industry, in the rational development and utilization of the same attention to ecological problems, and promote harmonious development between man and nature; adopt effective policy measures to improve tax policy and the implementation of paid exploitation of coal resources; rely on scientific and technological progress, increased safety input; improve the level of comprehensive utilization of coal resources in support of CBM development, promote deep processing of coal chemical industry and the use of clean coal technology; strengthening coal mining area of governance and the protection of the environment and achieve harmonious development. Industrial ecology is the traditional development model of human reflection and practice of sustainable development thinking in the process of finding a strong impetus to the sustainable development of new industry development model.Papers from Industrial Ecology, circular economy, sustainable development and external economic theory, combined with the coal industry in Guizhou Province Development and Utilization of the coal industry to raise a can make economic and ecological environment, the harmonization of the path of mutual benefit-the coal industry ecological aim of optimizing the coal industry through the development of Guizhou's economic growth pattern to achieve, maintain ecological balance and social harmony. According to this research focus and meaning, the structure of the arrangement, the article is divided into seven chapters.The first chapter is set against the background of writing questions, and the recent status and significance of the paper writing; also expounded the theory of industrial ecology in the content and coal related industrial ecology theory.ChapterⅡfirst coal resources in Guizhou Province overview of the current development, followed by analysis of the coal industry as the basic industry of Guizhou Province status of its industrial development, further analysis of Guizhou coal-related industry development.ChapterⅢoutlines the coal industry in Guizhou Province and the need for ecological constraints, that is, the industrial development of coal resources in Guizhou environmental costs and restricting the development of coal industry bottlenecks. And the existence of these problems and constraints of reason.ChapterⅣis mainly coal Mode of industrial ecology, analysis of coal costs and benefits of industrial ecology, construction of ecological industry chain of coal.Chapter proposed coal in Guizhou Province Suggestions industrial ecology for the analysis of the previous section the development of the coal industry, Resource and environmental costs and constraints, propose countermeasures.ChapterⅥWater Coal Group in Guizhou Province problems of industrial ecology in a brief analysis ChapterⅦis the conclusion and outlook. Guizhou coal industry through eco extended to all the coal industry development trend of coal industry-related ecological theory of a vast space research study.
Keywords/Search Tags:Guizhou coal, Industrial ecology, Constraints, Mode, Suggestions
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