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A Research On Policies Of Industrial Organization In Zhongshan City

Posted on:2011-11-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y X WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360308463772Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Based on the policy of zhongshan city industrial organization as the research object, the comprehensive use of historical analysis, the dynamic analysis and empirical analysis methods of domestic and foreign policy, the development of the theory of industrial organization and its influence on the development of industrial organization, zhongshan, evolution, the policy of characteristics and existing problems of the comprehensive analysis and research on industrial organization and zhongshan system consummation policy Suggestions for zhongshan industrial policy, tries to open a new window research field in industrial policy, zhongshan breakthrough in the research.With the planned economy to the market economy system, zhongshan also completed the collectivization strategy to the policy of industrial organization in the industrial cluster to cultivate, develop and upgrade the industrial organization innovation and transformation, the policy system of industrial cluster has become the dominant at zhongshan an industry organization form. However, with the division of labor and competition pattern of evolution, virtual industry cluster, the enterprise strategic alliance and enterprise group aims to improve the competitiveness of enterprises symbiotic industry organizations have quietly and development, make the main remains in cultivating industrial cluster of zhongshan primary level industrial organization system, namely dual challenges facing one must improve industrial cluster policy, in order to satisfy the innovation and economic city clusters, On the other hand must be diversified industrial organization policies formulated for zhongshan, to optimize the industrial organization provides system support.Small and medium-sized enterprises is the leading role, zhongshan economic stage through the establishment of industrial cluster and enterprise strategic alliance of flexible industrial organization, such as network can improve the level of social division of labor and cooperation, external economies of scale and with a mild gradual way, make the weak enterprises in the internal management, industry and market competition ability to coordinate and honed so, thus gradually cultivation and effective protection of m&a this enterprise expansion of power and strength. Therefore, how to encourage and promote industrial cluster and enterprise strategic alliance of industrial organization model and optimized, and how to cultivate and ecbolic large enterprise or business group, should be present and for quite a long period of zhongshan industrial organization and key policy research direction.
Keywords/Search Tags:Zongshan City, Industry Organization Policies, Industry Organization
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