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The Feasibility Study Of Experiential Public Service Advertisement

Posted on:2011-05-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X H CuiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360305992507Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The public service advertisement (PSA), which has been developed with the social changes, plays the role of guiding the people for goods deeds with its sincere voices. In order to serve the people better and cater for their needs, the producers of PSA have been trying harder to innovate the theme, techniques and advertisements media to satisfy the mass's increasing understanding levels. But after analyzing some PSA works made in recent years, we can discover that PSA still have been made by the producer as the solo work in the traditional approach with the strong teaching-orientation.The experiential PSA refers to those that can provide a platform and context where the recipient can participate in, can think deeply and can receive all kinds of public service messages so that their behaviors can be influenced. However, a point is worth mentioning that the experiencing process is motivated rather than being spontaneous. But it does not mean that the recipients are passive. In fact, it indicates that the producer must set up such a platform on which the communication with the recipients are strengthened, inner desires are explored and ideas are reviewed from the recipients points of view. In this way, the recipients can be attracted to engage in the process and their profound thinking can be invoked. As a result, the deep meaning can be sensed in the PSA, which definitely can be able to have impact on their deeds.The experiential PSA means to innovate the single- transmitting form of traditional PSA by respecting the recipients positions and views and applying the two-way communication principal. The producer and the recipient will exchange their roles. When the recipient are giving the message, the producer should pay attention and receive it which is regarded as the base for them to create the works. In the approach, the recipients can pay the message embedded in the PSA. Therefore, the sending and receiving information can be connected together. Maslow thinks human beings'needs can be divided into different levels. The top level is to meet the need of self-fulfillment, which is the source of all human's behaviors. The experiential PSA is the process where the recipients'need for self-fulfillment can be fulfilled. The reason is that an experiential platform is established for the recipient to be involved in to satisfy their psychological need of being respected, which leads to the self-effect and self-improvement.
Keywords/Search Tags:experiential, feasibility, participate
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